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0320 or 0360


Well-known member
Need some advice. My motor has a tag on sump that states it’s a 0320-E2D. I have angle valve jugs and I read that if the jug length from bottom flange to oil tube gasket is 10 3/4 then it’s a 0360. Mine measure 10 3/4 so what else can I check to verify 0320 or 0360?
It is likely that case number is a casting number rather than a serial or part number, so may be of little use.

I can't help with the type of measurement you're asking about, but I'd think if you were to measure
the stroke, that would provide another clue if not provide the answer you're after.

An O-320 has a 3 7/8" (98mm) stroke.
An O-360 has a 4 3/8" (111mm) stroke.

Given the 1/2" difference in stroke, I'd think you could discern the difference without a lot of trouble.