canthony9 said:
Thanks for the response, I will start eliminating some things to figure the problem out. Thanks again
A lot of things you can do that no one else can since it's your boat.
Blind questions is real redundant, but to answer one:
a 2.38 gear will move a prop 14.28 minutes per degree on your timing.
a 2.68 gear will move a prop 16.08 minutes per degree on your timing.
Roll your timing to zero on the crank and rotate prop as a clock from zero to 1 degree!
If your results falls short or exceeds the minute clock of prop blades, I'd say your either running a 2.09 or a 2.88.
Ironically none of this matters since your post is real vague, unless your one of the boats dragging poly screws at hot dog recently?