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3D gold airboat pendent


Well-known member
:rebel: I am looking for info on where to buy a nice gold airboat pendent and chain. any help would greatly appreciated :rebel: pictures would be also
:rebel: Yes thank you for the info I have seen these on there already ,I was looking for a 3D pendant I found a picture of one I really liked on a place called printerest .com or something like says it was made by paradise jewelers but cant seem to find it any where. :rebel: I am not very computer savvy
Scotty1, try this Google image search link and see if the one you're thinking of is listed: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS729US729&biw=1920&bih=888&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Dg-eXOe6O6rVjwSW57SgCg&q=3d+airboat+pendant&oq=3d+airboat+pendant&gs_l=img.3...182904.183362..184201...0.0..

:rebel: Yeah thanks Rick and Whitebear I have looked at all of those , and still looking around before i pull the trigger. :rebel:
Scot 1

If you find one you like pm me the info please. I saw one a few years back in a pawn shop it was 3D detailed and of good size. Sold before I could get the cash.
Jerry’s pawn shop in Ocala usually has a few 3D sold gold ones as well as, a Silver style and a two tone one with Silver and Gold. Seen a flat one like that picture as well before. Worth a call at least they look just like the seawear ones.
:rebel: :rebel: The 1 i really liked i saw on pinterest.com /pin 53691420527796779 looks like it was made by paradise jewelers but i guess maybe they are not making it any more.But after seeing that one the rest just dont do much for me.Maybe some one else that is a little better with a computer can find out more than i can. :rebel:
Jewelry express eagle ridge mall lake Wales Fl

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Scotty I can send you a pic of mine when I get home. I am having a mold made of mine there so they can duplicate it. Mine is white and yellow gold- cage, prop, & rigging are white gold and everything else is yellow gold. The prop on mine spins with in the cage.
Rick, it doesn’t appear the pics I uploaded are viewable.. can you help?


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