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470 Continental


Well-known member
Where is the cheapest place to get a starter rebuild kit for 6 cylinder, 470 continental? Mine seams to be dragging for thru load on battery and it held in green. So guessing its starter. Any help would be appreciated.
See what the voltage at the starter is when cranking. Bad cables and terminals have been the cause of more than one starters being replaced.
If you have to replace them, go with the biggest you can find. I bought some welding cables on ebay from someone's suggestion, it cured my hot start problem.
If you have to replace them, go with the biggest you can find. I bought some welding cables on ebay from someone's suggestion, it cured my hot start problem.
Yes, I have checked battery area and cleaned cables and connections and I’m going to do other end and connect battery strait to starter with jumpers to see if it cranks like it should but I wanted to get an idea where to get starter parts reasonable should I have to go that route. I appreciate you guys throwing out those possibilities but still don’t know where to get parts. Lol
See what the voltage at the starter is when cranking. Bad cables and terminals have been the cause of more than one starters being replaced.
Thanks Gary, going to check that. Also got a shutoff box between battery and relay that can also be used to add a 2 cd battery that needs checked. I don’t know whether they cause any problems or not.
By the way, its doing it cold doesn’t change whether hot or cold so will know more after taking time to fully check it just want to know in advance about parts just in case.