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A ride on the twin turbo!


Well-known member
Just got back from riding with Nevin Jenkins on his 572 big block twin turbo! Can you say WHEW DOGGIES!!! now that is some awesome boat! At 15 boost we were pushing 1600HP. Never been on anything like it. If you haven't seen it. Look for the write up in September. I'm a barrel racer so it's in my nature to like fast, but that was something else

Glad you liked it! :) We would turn up the heat, but don't think we can get a gearbox that can handle it. Nevin told me you were gonna call, but I've been waiting by the phone....YES..I'm plugging for attention....We're all pretty proud of that boat. ;)


do you have any pics of this monster we would like to se it

or are you going to make us wait and see it in the Airboat World

Please Please Please don,t make us wait.

or even a video to share with us :lol:
It was suggested I at least get a couple pics up. So I'll see if I can get this right.




Welp, I guess the race is on for gearbox manufacture to develop a gear box that can handle 1,500 plus horsepower. I do know of a blower boat who had to go to a chain drive because he kept shredding belts!
Believe it or not I think the counter rotator can handle it, he has a belt drive and I was told the belt is what failed.
You can't really see them in the picture but it also has twin 4 blade prop.
one 4 blade maximus and one 4 blade falcon (powershift)
Not much of a chance of getting bye them blades in one piece. It obviously makes some serious power to swing that kind of wood.

Let me be very clear to everyone here...I don't wanna steal anyone's thunder, and I take no credit for the awesome boat. Bobby/Diamondback built her...I just built the engine, ported the heads, and had my part in the design of the powerplant. My friend/project partner Cal Hartline, did the turbos and control system, as well as put us all together on the project........And being the small world that it is.....My freind Dave (Waterthunder) was probably the most instrumental in getting us all together in the first place...(But that's a story in itself). I'm just one gear in the machine...But to answer your question...Nevin had some guy come in and do the polishing, for what I thought was an insanely reasonable price...She be pretty sexy eh? :)

So what is next a V12 rollsRoyce-merlin engine out of a P-51 mustang in a Airboat gee now thats an Idea. I will have to get some photo's os this one and make some posters up called the "ULTAMATE AIRBOAT" another beautiful piece of work by Diamondback.
Yeah Sniper,

Great. Now if we can just figure out a way to get those 3 ten foot propellers high enuff & the boat from turning as many rpm's one way as the Merlin turns the other :(

Well we could could stack a counter rotater with a set of four instead of two that could elemanate the need for tall props just use shorter wide blades with lots of pitch and lots of them should make for lots of thrust but boy I bet it would eat a lot of Gas but I guess if you could afford to have it built you could afford the gas.
The Allison and RR engines were and still are my big heros. (I'm an engine guy from before I can remember) Many ask.....When is enough enough?...Actually never as long as you like it, and it'doesn't harm you (Sometimes even if it does) but certainly not anyone else. Modern airboat hulls, propellers (As I'm learning) and engine technology, in my honest opinion are finally combining together. Good? Bad?...I dunno.....Like I said, I'm just an engine guy. I'm just an idiot that likes things that go FAST!.
