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About The Lake Okeechobee Airboat Association


The Lake Okeechobee Airboat Association (LOAA) was established in the summer
of 1988. Some airboaters from Orange County helped LOAA get organized.
Shortly after the formation of the club, it began raising money to award
scholarships to Okeechobee High School seniors pursuing careers in
agriculture, to contribute funds to Grad Night and other worthy community
organizations and projects, to assist children with physical needs, and to
help members who were "down on their luck."

LOAA usually meets the second Thursday of each month at the Village Square
Restaurant on Park Street in Okeechobee. Outings are scheduled
intermittently. New members are always welcome. Annual family/single
memberships are $24; there's a $10 initiation fee the first year. Associate
memberships (for those living out of state who wish to be associated with
LOAA and receive the monthly newsletter) are available for $10.



Pete Daniels: 610-0544

Tina Gates: 357-3162

Melissa Harden (alternate): 634-3957

Jim Hardy: 763-9262

Jim Johnson: 697-2956


Dennis Anderson, President: 763-6069

Buddy Hancock, Vice President: 763-1776

Linda Hancock, Treasurer: 763-1776

Dorothy Anderson, Secretary: 763-6069

Pete Daniels, Technical Advisor: 610-0544

For additional information, call an officer or a member of the board of
directors or email anderson@okeechobee.com.

Thanks for the newsletter update!
Wow! These guys have "camo' shirts and other cool stuff!
I'm thinkin as well as supporting KRVSA that this one hits home for me and Dawn. Hopefully we'll be on the members list soon. Never would have found the club without your help!

Thanks again,
