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Airboat Traning Needed


Well-known member
Hello all-

My company provides water quality sampling and other environmental related services to government and private industries. We recently added an airboat to our fleet to expand our capabilities. Our field staff is experienced with conventional boats, but only a couple of us have limited experience with airboats. I would like to get some safety training for them before I turn them loose with this machine. I know that butt-in-the-seat-time is the only way to get proficient at airboat driving, but I want everyone to know the basics airboat etiquette, what to do/what not to do, and provide a little liability protection for the company at the same time. We are in the Gainesville, Florida area. Does anyone know of someone who provides hands-on airboat training?

Send a PM to BIGKAVR on this website his name is Brian Edwards he can take care of you on quality training. If you have trouble locating him, let me know and I will send you his phone number.
Probably contact Jerry Wetherington in Cross Creek

I will post his number later
My suggestion to you is to contact the Florida Airboat Association. I believe there is at least one member of the FAA who specializes in professional/ commercial airboat training.
TSnake, give Jerry Wetherington a call, he's the president of the United Sportsmen & Airboaters' Alliance. He should be able to put you in contact with someone. He lives in Cross Creek.
