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Airboaters from Fla., elsewhere say they're owed $600,000...


Airboaters from Fla., elsewhere say they're owed $600,000 for rescuing Katrina victims

Posted December 26 2005, 12:49 PM EST

WEST PALM BEACH -- After Hurricane Katrina struck, Jim Osborne used his airboat to save the lives of survivors stranded by the storm in the New Orleans area.

The 47-year-old Port St. Lucie letter carrier navigated through debris to get to a church where he found an old woman who....

Here's the rest: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/ ... -news-sfla
There has been a lot of controversy about who had contracts and who gave the go ahead to deploy. The fact is, a bunch of folks pulled together in a time of need. Many went there with no intention of getting paid. For those that were "under contract" I hope that things get worked out and folks get paid without a big legal hassle.

I can see where this could affect peoples willingness to help out during the next disaster.
The logical side of my brain say "don't reply to this posting" but silly me, I am any way...
This is the kind of exposure that makes us (as airboaters) look BAD!!!
I went down to New Orleans after Katrina (and also for Rita) with the assumption that I MIGHT get some money for my services.. THE OPERATIVE WORD IS MIGHT... NO guarantee's expressed or implied..
I went down to help and I'd go down again in a second, even if I never receive any reimbersement for my services...

I for one (and maybe I'm in the minority) am very upset that ANY contract issues were/are being made public. I do NOT want anyone believing that all airboaters were there ONLY for the money.... Sadly, that's exactly what that story implies...

Yes, I'd love to be paid for my time and damages (damages are over $3,000.00) but that's NOT why I went down there!!!! I went down to help and I believe most of the other airboaters were of the same mind set as myself..

That story just reinforces the anti-airboaters impressions of us as a group. This one story has even got people in my neck of the woods asking " so, you went down there for the money, hu?" To say that I'm a little hot under the collar would be an understatement....

In a nutshell, Mr. Osborne does NOT speak for me....

Brian Edwards
Fremont, OH
I am with you on this one Brian I think the one's that are bitching went down there with Dollar sighns in there eyes I did not and yes it would be nice to at least get reenburst for my expenses and damage we booth know about that one don't we Brian but like you I would do it again money is not the reason I went down there and if that was your motivation for going you should not have gone and now I am off my soap box