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Airboaters on TV


Well-known member
I guess I'm a nerd but I was watching Polk County's version of CSPAN last night and was quite surprised to see Capt. Dave Markett (BigDaddy), KRVSA Pres. Danny Brantly, and Powershift's Patty Corey talking to the state legislative officials. They were discussing the Shady Oaks property and the protocol change in muffler enforcement. They did a wonderful job and made a few more friends in the govt. I think.

Man we got some great folks running point on our issues. I don't know the gentlemen, but Patty is a great ambasador for us. You just can't help but like her and then you just can't help but give her what she is asking for, cause she would help anybody else any way she could. Bobby is definetly on the winning end of that deal :D
Speaking of airboaters on TV, Woodswoman, cchardt, Limey Chris, waterthunder, and many of our crew that were walking around at the Toy Run were filmed by a news station and Laura's Dad got a little of it on tape.

We could not figure out how to convert it to digital, so Laura went out and bought a VCR that burns DVDs. She put it on a DVD, but I forgot (my fault) to bring it home when I was visiting her in Winter Haven last weekend. Well, she's back in Orlando now, and by Friday night we'll have it figured out (I hope), & have the video file posted in the photo gallery.

If anyone catches these things on a VCR, get us the tape and (hopefully) we'll be able to get it posted online for all to see.

Now, I'm sure Rick is rolling his eyes a little thinking of the bandwidth fees to have an internet TV station.... Sorry Rick! You'll need a few more SITE SUPPORTERS I guess!!!!


Hey - We got the video file that was filmed at the toy run. It's good press for the FAA and airboaters... but the dang file is 32MB in size. too big to put on the SAO photo gallery (also, probably an unsupported format - the suffix is .VOB) And the file is too large to email too.

Any ideas on how to make it a smaller file? Neither Laura or myself have much (actually, NO) experience processing video on the computer! Not sure what software to get or use. I've never heard of that file format.

Dang. it's a good news story, 56 seconds in length.

Any tips, please let us know!


Hey Harvey

It was nice meeting you on the Search in South Georgia It's just a shame that we did not find any thing it would have been nice for the family's involved but it was not for us not looking,by the way your new boat is real nice and I would love to go for a ride with you some time
but let's wait until it gets warmer.
Merry Christmas George,

Nice to finally meet you also. Yes, I wish we could have found more down there:but, maybe that's a good thing. It will be interesting to see how that turns out. I hope they find her on the beach with a cold one somewhere. 10-4 (police talk) I'll be glad to give you a spin on my Seminole, and I want a ride on that Diamondback! See ya. I hope to ride Orange Lake over New Years---PM me if you're interested.

Joe (Harvey)