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Aircraft or automotive

Aircraft or automotive... which is the best power plant for airboats?

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This is always a controversial topic.

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For sure aircraft. In my experiances an aircraft boat set up right will follow and surpast most automotive boats.
It's been my experience that weight verses power the aircraft engine wins hand's down I grew up building boat's for the state and weight v/s power= fuel milage. I have a 150 GPU and the guy I frog with has a 500 Cadilac I can haul as much weight as him and go places he only dream's of; on half the fuel ( 9 gal.s v/s 21 gal.s ) . So I'm unaquivilicly an aircraft man
How does the aircraft engine do on a 18 foot boat, I am thinking about getting one for bowfishing and will be hauling a lot of weight, most of the guys I know use a 454 or 502 GM engine, haven't seen one with an aircraft engine. Just curious.
Hi Slick,
In referance to you're Query, Once you get over a about 14 ft. you need ALOT of power to run the hill or woods or what ever you're preferance is.
Needless to say it still comes down to weight v/s power. If you're determined to go aircraft it will be expensive! Example: A boat we built for the state (Fl) We used a 7 cyl. radial engine on; It swung a 96x42 custom made prop, the hull at the time was custom made and beyond all that it REQUIRED aircraft fuel. But on the positive side it would carry 10 officers in servival gear ANYWHERE we wanted to go. So to answer you're question in you're case with the the Big Block.

I personally have never seen a boat in our area with a aircraft engine, but I can not imagine needing any more power then a 502 big block with a reduction unit. I have seen these boats loaded to the hilt with the duck hunting gear for five guys go on dryland no problem. I am talking a 18 foot boat. OUr boat has no problem going on dry ground with a couple of guys in it but not with all there gear very easy. We only have a 16 foot boat with a 350 motor pumpling around 340 ponnies and a gear reduction turning a paddle prop. Our next boat will defintly be 18 foot with the 502 and reduction gear.

You are right about the power output of a 502 with the reduction. But when all of the factors are put into place (fuel consumption, price, usage, etc.) not many people can afford them.

I have a 12' hull with a IO540 putting out 260hp. I can load it down with four good size men, all our hunting equipment and run where ever i want to. My brother has a 15' with the 350 and reduction. Needless to say his next boat will be an aircraft because he cannot figure out why he can't follow me and i burn less fuel than him.

Just my 2cents, Kevin (South Louisiana)
I have been building airboats for years now, I have owned both aircraft and GM engines, There is no comparising! Im running a 16 foot x 8 with a 454 GM marine engine with a 2x1 belt drive decked over stainless steel rigging and i have never seen any place I couldnt go, I burn less fuel than my buddy does with a 350 GM For the simple reson I dont have to run my engine as hard as he does. If you want power GM, Plus there are a hole lot cheaper to work on..
No disrespect intended at all Crash, but if you never stuck that 454 then you are babying it to much. There is always a place that will stop it. Come to south louisiana, i bet we can stick it!

Im not saying it cant be stuck, Im saying I can go where aircraft engines only dream of. We have some black mudd here we call sticky mudd, Nothing can go threw it, I think if a man had enough pwer to go through it that it would leave the boat boatom in the mudd and the reast would be all you have .Ive road in Florida a lot , allways wanted come to the big L to ride but haven made it yet, Maybe this summer ..
Let me know when you are ready to come down crash, I will be happy to show you around.

Shoot me you e-mail addy. I need to ask you something.



south louisiana
this is always a hot debate here in central Florida. The group of friends that I usually ride with have a diverse group of boats. First let me say, we build our own boats and have for years. We run alot of dry ground and have run cont. gpu's, Lycoming 0435, Lycoming 0540 (260hp and 290hp) ,Lycoming 0540 supercharged w/gearbox, and Lycoming 180's. Three years ago we decided to try the auto motors, we built a straight drive 500 cadillac and it ran pretty good. Almost as good as the Lycoming 0540. We then built a 410 ci small block chevy. 470hp with a 2 to 1 gear box. It runs better than any of the other boats we have built. It burns less fuel than everything except the Lycoming 4 cyl. The bottom line is ,dollar for dollar the autos will out perform the aircraft. But they are all a blast to build and ride. Well, I guess I've stirred the pot as much as I need to for now.
Where i come from we don't have any aircraft boats that can go through the stuff we go through but that might be because we have a 565 on the back of our boat.
I run a 502 belt on a 18' boat 3100# it will run dry ground with 4 guy ,gear load. My friend run a 16' with 540 his boat is 1800# he can't move out of the water.He may be able to out run me on a long trip but that is it. They look fun but I want the power.
:D Aircraft by far is the best,cost more to buy.But will go places the car motor only dreams of.I have a 11 ft 6' boat with a 4 cyl lycoming loaded it will run the hill.Try that with a direct drive 350?????
Are you kidding........I have owned aircraft and auto boats and dollar for dollar the auto will smoke the aircraft. I have a 410 cu in chevrolet with a 2 to 1 gear box on a 13.5' Cottonmouth. It will smoke my 540 Lycoming, dont get me wrong, I love my Lycoming but Its not near what the Chevrolet is.
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