Whilest I was chauferin cntry around kissimee sat an airboat friend was on lake george doin what airboaters do best . When all in an instant he heard a bang and then nothing but the sound of air.His boat was a panther hull , aluminum rigging ,ZZ5 350 ,gear drive and a power shift maximus two blade prop.Not knowing what caused the chain of events but the end results where motor tore in half,half the gearbox stayed with half the engine the other half went in the lake with the rest of the engine,prop gone ,rudder gone ,engine stand ruint,cage and rigging ruint. He did manage to save the hull, two seats , the instrument panel and thank the Lord no one got hurt.
Rough estimate he had about a ten thousand dollar boat ride that day.
Is there any kind of insurance for things happening like this?
Rough estimate he had about a ten thousand dollar boat ride that day.
Is there any kind of insurance for things happening like this?