Aces - You just made my day!
You owe me nothing at all and I owe you
a THANKS for taking them and using them! Glad to see they are getting to good use. They
probably make good hunting maps because it shows all the different tree lines and stuff. AND
THEY ARE RELATIVELY CURRENT PHOTOS. Microsoft's Terraserver & Google Earth
are good, but you are looking at 10 year old photos. And most places you can't zoom in
very close. (That's why I subscribe - I can zoom right in there)
One of these days I'm going to get around to making a post with links to all the maps
in one place. They are and always have been free to anyone who wants them.
Now, hmmmm.... if you go printing them and making a big profit... I'd still not ask for a cut,
but I'd want to have some words with ya.... about going into business together!
Check out that place called BPS (not BlackPowderScout)
Email them the file and they fedEx you the printed copy. And if you want to do that, let me know,
and I can make them higher resolution and they'll look a LOT nicer.
Still putting together the everglades map. Stand by.