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Anyone Using Elect Pitch Prop? IVO?


Well-known member
And have you had any problems like those mentioned in their service bulletins. :(

This little contraption could really become a good helper in getting everything your entitled too from an engine.

Of course a little reverse might help ole folks like me also. :)

Thanx, Gben
Ok, I was hoping someone else would come in on this post and I wouldn't have to ask;

What are you talking about? Is there a prop that you can change the pitch on eletrically? Got a link? :?
I know that someone offered an adjustable pitch prop on the back of an airboat a few years ago. IF I AM NOT MISTAKEN (I could be) it was from a Lycoming helicopter engine (?-540) and was using the tail rotor assembly for a airboat drive assembly. That would allow the pitch to be altered while running and even a reverse would be possible.

Don't remember who offered it.

However then main thing I remember was the price, which was around $35,000.00 for this option.

And since the subject has be mentioned, reverse on a boat with a heavy back end is something to be really careful with. I would make sure that reverse would barely move the boat. Otherwise I could see another crash dive method occurring that would make those Navy Submarines more jealous.
Yeah Red,

Just clk Airboat Directory Upper Right, then Props, then IVOProps. And there are probly more choices but haven't had time to check. Kinda pricey but only 25lbs total isn't too bad.

Most likely if one bought their props with the option included it would be much less but not for sure.


All the windy weather we've been having lately got me thinking abt them & decided to search a little.

These have been around for a good long time in experimental aircraft & are much, much less than the oil & piston controls like Woodward Governors. But just like those one can use CHT & EGT temps for max or min settings. Some just use manifold pressure readings.

And don't want competition from the Navy, best one be at least sober when flying with this option. :(

Thanx Guys
Gotta run, Gben
There was a guy in New Orleans running an adjustable on the fly EVO like you are describing. He was using it on a 4 banger reduction auto engine (Not sure what brand or HP but it was all aluminum). It ran great but wasn't enough prop, only 3 blades, i would have bought it for my 0320 if it would have been a 4 blade.

And yes, it is adjustable enough to give slight reverse.

Hey If you go to classifieds and to props there is a IVO six blade electric adjust for $1900.00.
I just sold a 3 blade but it wasn't an electric adjusted. No enough prop for a 0540
Thanx Guys,

Phill, Just tried to email the guy abt the prop you mentioned & our grand starband email is out of whack agn. :(
One of their sats expired months ago & we're still on the phone turtle wire. No cable out here in our woods.

We're wondering abt the constant speed(RPM) box on their site so we'll try to call.

We've pretty much established that we will go with alum hull. Within the general scheme we will surely meet with snow & ice in the hill country. And I don't know if ya'll ever used a car hood to travel down the side of a mountain but never could find one with brakes. Trying to get into an Airboat that does a few of the things we like todo up there without those sudden STOPS.

Don't know how many times we've hoped for an Airboat to get to town when the snow is going over the bumper into the radiator of our jeeps. And when the snow stops us from hunting in the Nantahala Forest we'll simply unload the boat & proceed.

That's all, Gben
I looked at the IVO PROPS once. They flex an awful lot and under a heavy load they fold down and give up push. IVO was workin on a couple of designs for airboats and the adjustable pitch on the fly is kind of interesting. HOFFMAN AIRBOATS experimented with them quite a bit.

Very interesting indeed.
Will try to get by Hoffman in a couple days.

Anyone else with IVO's running into this sorta thing?
We're looking for the smallest diameter that will still do the job because of boat height in the swamps.

The electric pitch was what got us interested in IVO but we must have best performance electric or unelectric :)

What I mean abt swamps is the limbs that overhang the streams like in the okefenokee swamp. Very different than what most are used to in S. Fla. Everything must be lower but necessarily slower.

Thanx, Gben
I think they had a six blade magnum prop and different blade style for airboats. You can call out to IVO and they will explain it all. There really is a guy named Ivo out there and he escaped from a communist country in an ultralight he built and handmade the prop on it it was an interesting story. WE often take life for granted in the U.S. .
cntry141iq":1wuuzr87 said:
I looked at the IVO PROPS once. They flex an awful lot and under a heavy load they fold down and give up push. IVO was workin on a couple of designs for airboats and the adjustable pitch on the fly is kind of interesting. HOFFMAN AIRBOATS experimented with them quite a bit.
I was at the shop 7 or 8 years ago (Chuck was still working there) and they had one there. In my foggy memory it was a drag boat but I could be wrong about that.

I'd love to see Ivo (or anyone for that matter) come out with an affordable, jam up, on the fly adjustable prop.
chuck was expermenting an elect . ivo prop on his ride boat a few years back.check with him at airboat pros...I run an ivo on my 220..not near enough prop..prop has a lot of flex gonna cut it down a bit an try it on my kids 0-200 hundred horse
Gbenzx, I am running an IVO Magnum 3 blade In flight adjustable. what do you want to know? I have not any problems to speak of and no it wont allow me to go backwards (although it would be nice sometimes).