:wink: FAA always has Airboaters best interest and the leadership representing FAA is doing all he can do to protect your privileges. I personally have no problem with your opinions and I don't blame any of you for asking what a powerhouse like the Florida Airboat Association is doing to protect your interest after all if it wasn't for them who would be protecting your interest?
First of all I didn’t send a questionnaire out to be answered and disregard, but I respect all affiliates opinions because you all make up FAA's heart and soul (not to mention wallet) and that's why I'm asking for your opinions.
As someone who's traveled through the state visiting affiliates I have realized I have many different cultures of Airboaters, with many different opinions, with many different solutions, with many difference financial backing, but the bottom line is they are all Airboaters who want to help and make a difference.
The only way we can make a difference is if we are united and sometimes we must learn to respect each other's opinion and agree to disagree. I can tell you I spend a lot of time on SA, it's talked about at every local club meeting, but there's nothing like face-to-face at your local club’s meeting, so I encourage you to get out once a month and support your local airboat club. Encourage your local club to support and participate at all FAA meeting and events this will help all of us protect what we love most of all AIRBOATING.
FYI :roll: a good leader never ask a question he doesn't already know the answer and as you can see from SA poll what would make you think FAA poll would be any different. As for the negative comments towards FAA all I can say is you get what you give, so what have you done lately? I know what FAA has done weekly and if we were not there for the Joe airboater once again you would probably have a law this year recommending all airboats must meet 90 dB at 50 feet. The only reason y'all even know this is going on is because FAA once again is on the front line for Joe Airboater, only reason you do not have this law is because FAA was there for you once again. For that reason I'm asking you to support us because we're supporting you, so when someone has negative words to FAA asked them what they have done for Joe airboater.
I would like to thank everyone who has financially supported the FAA because of this we can continue to have Airboating privileges. This year's budget will take a lot of financial support because your freedom is not free. Thanks to all of our hard working affiliates for their time and effort because of them you are still Airboating today. FAA affiliates are not on a high horse they are just passionate because they know the trenches they have the dug to protect your Airboating Heritage.
Hope to see you and many more at the airboat jamboree this week