I recently purchased my first airboat project, its all there but I’m trying get it running before I bail off too deep into it. It has an 0-435 on it that so far seems to be mechanically sound. Had no spark, I filed the points in both mags (bendix) and now have spark then found that both mags where a mile out of time. I pulled both mags apart to clean them and re set the internal timming. Neither mag has an impulse mechanism on it, at least they don’t look like what I’ve seen in the information that I’ve found, they look more like a balancer of some sort and do not appear to have any spring loaded internal movement. Both mags are clockwise rotation. Now, my question is that there is information embossed onto the distributor gear “ccw, ccw with impulse, cw, cw with inpulse” left side has the red mark on the tooth for “cw with inpulse” Even though it do not have an impulse deal. And the right one has the red alignment mark on the “ccw” mark even though it rotates clockwise. I can’t find any online information on these details. There’s as much as 4 teeth difference which I know will affect the rotor timming. Any info, or a link with this info would be appreciated. Also another thing I’ve found on this engine is that the engine plate calls for ignition timming to be set at 15deg. All the post I’ve read about timming have been 20-25deg and the flywheel only has 0, 20, 25deg. Marked. Should I still stick with 15deg? If so I guess I’ll have get some sort of degree wheel and make a new mark.