listen to kb27, for the initial cost of a comp it will pay for itself over time, in 10 yrs airboating I have replaced 3 wood props in in 5 yrs. in the past 5 yrs i have only gotten one nick in my warp drive and it has eaten alot of cans, hats, a shirt, and who knows what else. also you can have warp drive blades rebuilt for around $75.00 a peice i think, and they look like new. my last wood prop i had rebuilt by air props. they repaired a crack, replaced the metal, and assured me it was good as new for around $200.00. well it lasted for 5 minutes and cracked on both sides. they would not stand behind their work and i wouldnt even use their prop for firewood. also if you ever see a wood prop come apart it may sway you towards a comp.