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Big Hull, How Big?


Well-known member
I wasn't going todo this but sense neither American nor Diamondback has answered our emails :(

It looks like the Navistar Powerstroke(250hp/680tq) will be what we have to settle for. With the 3 blade power + fully dressed it will come to right at 1100lbs.
Add alum cage, 3 up, 2 dn, 50gal fuel & 3-400lbs camping gear, chain saws & other tools. Only other I thimk of right now is wireless troller & big trim tab on the transum.

We're assuming 8ft wide but how short can we get by with & still be a good boat? Fuel up front? Kids not carrying the 4wheeler nor the horses :)
We'll be in the big river up here sometimes but mostly in creeks & swamps. Alum or Glass?

Once we arrive at size we'll look for good used hull. We know some you guys don't like diesel but we got a lot of chugging todo & high rpm engine is not for us. Also our pickups are diesel & we travel a lot.

So please tell us what size do you think.

Thanx, Gben
I did get your e-mail and have been making some phone calls to be able to return your e-mail with helpful info.
I also faxed a copy to the shop to Stan and have spoke with him about your concerns. We only do a few Diesels pr year and you have as much or more info on them as we do.
Will be writing you back soon.
American Airboat Corp.
All the Diesel that we have done have been on an all Aluminum Hull 18x8 to 22x8. I wouldn't recommend going any smaller. I would also not advise aluminum metal work to support this engine. In my opinion Stainless Steel is the best choice.
Just my opinion, and it is worth what you are paying for it. I wouldn't think about anything less than 17 foot or you might sink her. I know a 16 foot at 7.5 feet wide with 454. With 4 people she is sitting way lower than I am comfortable with.

50 gal fuel at 6.5 pounds per gallon = 325 pounds
300 to 400 pounds of camping gear = 400 pounds
2 up 3 dn, is this people, = 800 to 1000 pounds
Chainsaws and other gear = minimum about 25 pounds

You are sitting at between 1600 to 1800 pounds plus 1100 pounds of motor. That is a decent load.
Thanx Guys,


You made a lot more noise than you thought you did over on the muffler thread.
When you said Sensenich at Max RPM 2100! And how we missed it at their website while back have no idea but hope itis the ticket here. If so we save 12-1500 big ones on optional software from Navistar. :)
Just found another boat mfr playing with the GM Duramax in an email a few minutes ago.

Thx for the ref at Orange & if ya'll don't mind pester Hypertech to make their programmer run the Dmax as standalone power unit. We've got 4 sending emails & need more sense all they want to know is, HOW MANY?
It would be worth waiting a while for just to save the extra 200lbs. Don't wait for GM's version tho it may never be. :(


I did get a little drift of what you're saying with the 455 Olds boat we talked abt. The sides on theirs tho are not as high as we would be comfortable with.
Other than engine & supporting equip I'm trying to arrive at max it could ever be. Like sometimes we won't need the generator, 3 souls, 25gals etc.

One of the boat mfgrs called this am, no, boat salesman & you can guess the rest, I won't even say it on here. :(

Thx, Gben
Gbenx - You can walk around the transom on that boat with that 454 when she is sitting on the water and it will not go under. Nice boat with walk around decks about 1 foot wide on the sides. But the damn backin is less than 8 inches out of water. With all that weight it spooks me and this is why.

I was riding in her one day when it caught a wake in a narrow bayou with high sides that was deep. There was a swell behind her that seemed three feet tall (actually about 15 inches) and they could let off or she would have crashed dived. The entire side, about 4 feet from the stern was underwater and water was trying to pour in. The walk arounds kept lots out and the driver hit full throttle. The props were bailing water fairly fast as well and with the bilge pump on, and me jumping to the high side, she pulled the corner up. However she barely would stay on plane at wide open and it took about 600 yards before either of us moved. Slowly pumped the water out.

We had about 4 witnesses and they were laughing their A$$ off. Couldn't believe that she didn't go down.

I just believe in a boat with a heavy block in the back, I want more freeboard. But then I don't care for a big block boat. Just my opinion.
Thanx Pat,

Don't take many stories like that to bring heavy rain on an ego trip. :(

If we go wider then theres no choice but new which Im not saying we won't do. But before we go over 102in which is widest togo highway without permits I would meet my own resistance.

Have been reading the Alaska forum as much as time permits & just what you've said comes around. Most of their big diesels are made with very high sides for getting up & down from the ice. Some are even ten wide & over twenty long & designed to carry lots of people & equipment.

Also had hoped to avoid the gear & belt boxes because of the extra weight but then the tee toter effect. And of course more $$$ yet. Just finally finished the new metal roof after Ivan damage & after over $17k insurance co say fit to pay a whopping $710!

So if you were doing this you would go the 8.5ft 18long?

There goes my woods dog, 98 Jeep Cherokee with 2in lift kit, big Coopers & Aussie auto locker, boohoohoo....

Man we must Want pretty bad talking such stuff. But it will be all worthwhile if we can get it right. :)

Gben, just wait til I get my SBC boat done, I'll take you for a ride. I bet you'll forget about those oil burnerin barges :wink:
Yeah Red Thnx,
we'll prob still be thunbin long after you set sail. Right info has been very slow coming especially from engne manufacturers that apply.
Are you hopeing todo a lot of your own work? You're going with FG or Alum hull?

Thimk best now for us togo Alum simply sense weight is going tobe so critical. We'll just have to stay from salt as much as possible. We've just started looking for 16-18ft complete used boat or less engine maybe but looks like will be hard to come by. Heaven forbid a new one!

Capt2 said best we thimk with stainless engine stand but need light wt for prob pancake(ugh) prop shroud. Prob won't afford no better, we'll have to use danger tape with two orange traffic cones & say Do Not Enter.

Hush now, Gben
I'm going fiberglass, and I'm also going with a pancake cage. I like them. I will add some extra bars to the front to keep from meeting the prop if I leave the seat unexpectedly

Hopefully the next boat can be aluminum, but for now, I'll learn on a glass