By Austin Arceo
The Tribune-Star
City officials might have made it possible to enjoy Freedom and Independence in July.
On Wednesday evening, the Terre Haute Park Board approved a proposal to have a company work in Fairbanks Park to operate two airboats on the Wabash River.
“Freedom� and “Independence� will be the names of the two airboats, said Joe Hoopingarner, who proposed the idea last month. His company, Joe’s Airboats Inc., will.....
The rest: http://www.tribstar.com/local/local_story_144223201.html
The Tribune-Star
City officials might have made it possible to enjoy Freedom and Independence in July.
On Wednesday evening, the Terre Haute Park Board approved a proposal to have a company work in Fairbanks Park to operate two airboats on the Wabash River.
“Freedom� and “Independence� will be the names of the two airboats, said Joe Hoopingarner, who proposed the idea last month. His company, Joe’s Airboats Inc., will.....
The rest: http://www.tribstar.com/local/local_story_144223201.html