Remove rigging from hull "I do it as one unit" flip hull upside-down, get a belt sander, get coarsest belts for it, remove all remaining slick coating from hull, clean bottom with ZEP degreaser the purple colored stuff, rinse, repeat, allow hull to bake in the sun and fully dry, get a telescopic handle, a heavy duty roller, short nap roller covers, call Fasco epoxies in Ft Pierce, order 2 gallons of 9XN, a gallon of 9X2000 Superslick, 4 ounce jar of Red pigment that will match the hull color, get a jar of black pigment for the super slick if you want the different color for the slick coat.
Now, once you have all supplies, masking tape, gallon- plus mixing buckets, drill driven paint mixer, have hull prepped, clean, masked off and in direct sunlight, have roller ready.
In the 9X neutral containers, put 2 oz red pigment each, mix with paint mixer till full color in each, close one till later, dump the open container into mixing bucket, once emptied fully, add the 2nd part "the clear liquid" to the mixing bucket, mix till full color is achieved, "avoid raw parts of unmixed epoxy on rim of bucket" once mixed, full sun, dry day, pour mixed gallon from rear forward up center to where hull starts to ramp and set bucket upside down to drain, grab that extended roller, start spreading and rolling it out, full even coverage, side to side fore and aft, once near bucket, remove it, swirl roller around to blend any unmixed and continue till full coat achieved, slow and easy rolling from bow to transom nonstop in overlapping rows lifting off at transom each pass, let it bake in sun, it will lay out like glass.
When doing this, you have to hustle, no beer break or it will light off, pull masking tape off about 10 minutes after rolling done "or it will never come off" let it bake and cure. Have a beer, watch paint dry, lol!
Ok, reassemble boat "preferred" repeat the planing "not much" on the concrete, observing wear spots and unworn spots, the 2nd gallon comes into play here, "no need to flip hull, work under off trailer" note all unworn spots, add equally mixed parts say 1/4 gallon of the 9X red into bucket, cover wear spots lightly and unworn spots heavy "mainly at transom forward" allow to cure fully, repeat planing, recoat, allow cure again, test drive it, if it rides right "as it will" pull rigging, flip hull, sand the 9X with 80 grit, mask off, apply the super slick, only 1/2 gallon, same application as above, sun cured, will be a fine riding boat.