Hey gents, I’ve just gotten a 12ft Hamant w Poly and an angle valve 0360 200. When I first got it I could run dry in my yard. Last night out I had a little more weight in the boat and had to put out my passengers to spin it around. Checked my RPMs on the trailer today and it was 3k WOT. That was on the pace maker box, it doesn’t have a tach yet. Thought I’d add a little more pitch today and got it at 2800k on the trailer at wot. Set it off the trailer and it wouldn’t move itself. Put the prop back to where it was before and it still won’t move. Going into work tonight but I want to check the plugs when I get home. I’m new to these boats and I’m at a loss as to why it won’t push now. It’s a 72Q prop and felt very strong and had great push, now not so much.... thank y’all in advance for anything you can advise and your time.