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Bow & Muzzle loader (Georgia)

John C

Well-known member
Well I just got back from Georgia. I went to Ft. Benning with Priority One. A good friend of mine works on Ft. Benning and he invites us up to hunt on post. When duck season opens up he comes down to Florida to ride on the airboats and shoot ducks.

We hunted the last three days of Bow season and the first two days of muzzle loader.
I shot a Doe with my bow and a nice sized spike Buck with my muzzle loader. No bragging rights buts some pretty good eats. Between the three of us our total was 5 Deer, 1 nice hog about 200lbs, and 2 coyote's. A good time was had by all.
Sounds like a nice trip! Hope to see ya'll on the trail soon. Be sure an PM me when ya'll head toward Lakeport.
Should have the boat running again real soon. Jdotson I'll be sure to give you a holler when I'm heading over that way, really looking forward to getting back into the saddle.