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Brevard County Saltwater Hunters

Capt Jeff

Well-known member
Please guys & gals, help me get the word out.

I received a very disturbing phone call today from Lt Steve Wayne of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission in regards to the large influx of "new" hunters on the IRL this season.

In his own words, "It's out of control."

FWC is receiving a minimum of (5) five complaints from home owners from Cocoa to Sebastian Inlet.

People are PISSED!!!

Shooting to close to houses, hulls floating up on the shorelines, letting cripples swim away (rather than getting off your lazy arses & chasing them down), & breaking the manatee zones.

I watched (1) one boat load of (4) four hunters shooting a shoreline between (2) two houses:mad:

What the F#(< are you thinking???

I would hunt one of the tips of the spoil islands before I would set up on the shoreline between (2) two homes.

Hunting the salt for over (20) twenty years, I have to say I never seen so many new faces as I have this season.

Every day there is @ least (3) three boats @ each ramp full of hunters.

Guys, we need to give this resource of break or we're going to lose it!!!:mad:

Some are taking advantage of because your to lazy to go scout the marsh

I have never hunted the salt more than twice a week out of respect for the homeowners & the resource.


Some of you guys are out there every morning!!!:(

Tomorrow, I will be meeting with Brevard County Commissioner Helen Voltz in an attempt to cut off these homeowners complaints.

I fear I am already to late:(

So if your newbie to the salt or one of the out right outlaws, please feel free to place your names, addresses & phone numbers to this post

I will need this info to contact you for the County Commission meeting when all the pissed off homeowners get up to complain.

What I fear though is the same (3) three or (4) four hunt hunters will show & the rest of you will be @ home already having abused a resource that has been in place since the turn of the century.

Please feel free to contact Lt Steve Wanye @ the T'ville office if you have any questions.

Captain Jeff Kraynik

BTW, I've been advised to tell you all that FWC will write any & all for the above violations along with safety inspections of all vessels.

You guys brought this upon yourselves & now you must live with it.

ADMIN: Please Sticky this post
Jeff maybe they could declare the area a management area and use the quota system by permit for a certain day. I hope these weren't airboaters we have enough issues already to deal with.
I hear there are some guides taking parties around in the river and out in the marsh I feel public land should be for recreaton use only not as a place for guides to make money. just my opinion.
Capt. Jeff,(With all due respect). You must be a very important person to get a special phone call from the FWC about hunting violations! My question is, if this is happening, shouldn't the FWC get off there lazy Arsses and give out citations for the violations. :shock: The other is how do you know that the violators are even on this web site. I can tell the frustration it your thread but do not beleive this rant is going to do any good. I do hunt, not Ducks but I do hunt. I find it offensive that this blanket thread is being thrown at all us airboaters. Unless your looking for a RAT the FWC should Catch the perpatrators doing this, not make a phone call to you so you can put it on this site. If you know these folks are out there every morning, tell the FWC or provide their hull numbers. If these guys are that bad I'm not gonna rat! THEY HAVE GUNS :shock: Unless I have totally stepped on my unit PLEASE explain further :) I for one do not do that type of behavior.
Captain Jeff.

I can understand the feeling of frustration. It takes a real idiot to set up for duck hunting close to houses. I have seen it before and always wondered what would happen if I drove up next to his house a 4 to 5 am with an harley. Let my dog out to run around and then holler at him for several hours because the mutt is not trained. Load up the old autoloader and start blazing away while their wife and kids are asleep at around 6:20 AM. I would be willing to bet a grand that the SOB would be rolling out of his house wanting a piece of me and his wife would call the cops.

Here in Texas the state owns the waterbottoms up to the high tide line in most places. I am amazed at how close some inconsiderate AHOLE will build a blind to houses. Heck I think I would start hunting from my porch and start sinking decoys with that "T" shot - would be legal since it is non-toxic and I would be just assisting with their hunt.

Slobs like that do not deserve the right to purchase a hunting license. And all those people that are getting mad are going to lump all duck hunters (and typically all hunters) in the same group.

One day the hunting world will wake up and realize that they shot themselves in the foot by letting AHOLEs like those Captain Jeff mentioned take part in the sport.

WE ARE A MINORITY and the majority can take our privileges away. Look at Australia and Canada, they are loosing them quickly.

Wade - If he was a guide in the area, been there a while, and a local, then most times the FWC or at least state game wardens in both Louisiana and Texas would know about him. I know that around parts of LA the game wardens would talk to the local guides to get the word out. Not all of them are bad guys in some places, heck I know a few that I call friends back home in LA. Maybe the Lt. was trying to solve a problem before it gets bad and they have to react with a the heavy hand. I think it seems like a fairly decent way for the law to react. It has to be better than just shutting the place down.

Froggigger1 - I agree, public land should be off limits to guides.

Good points Wade. So "saltwater hunting" is duck hunting? What is "the IRL"? Indian River Lagoon?

Capt. Jeff, I think it sucks that a few people are wrecking it for everyone.... are they airboaters? And are they airboaters in this forum? I'm not sure I understood your saying "you this" & "you that" and asking for the guilty parties to post their names here... Am I misunderstanding or are you completely crazy? LOL

You guys brought this upon yourselves & now you must live with it.
Please elaborate if you want help. Otherwise, I take offense to that broad brush accusation of us all. It makes me think of the ignorant reporters, blaiming ALL of airboating based on the actions of a few.

I know of no one on this site that's to blame so please, you guys are reading way to much into the post itself.

It's a generic statement that I've posted this on all the Florida hunting/fishing type websites (@ the Lt's request) in an attempt to get the word out to as many people as possible.

I am fortunate being a LEO & a longtime state officer in Ducks Unlimited that when problems arise in my area, I am contacted by FWC & others in local & state goverment.

I was advised today that FWC will be out till the end of the season & that no warnings will be issued. :p

Also please, don't read anything into this because I am also a guide.

I'm a Law Enforcement Officer first

Ducks Unlimited, hunting rights, access & guiding all fall next on the list!!!

As far as guiding on public lands, what's the difference between me & a fishing charter. :wink:

That always gets them :oops:

p.s. You can always tell the groups that get picked on alot, they immediately go on the defensive :wink: :D
Lived my entire live right here in central Brevard County and have duck hunted most of it on the Indian River and have never Once seen anybody duck hunt in the river with an Airboat.John boats and kicker boats yes anything from a canoe to a small yaht but never an airboat. I personally am one of the hunters that feels when FWC stops to see my lic. or check out my boat that they are just doing thier job.I also feel that when someone does get caught doing something wrong they deserve what they get. S.R.
If one of the 3 or 4 home owners from BREVARD COUNTY to COCOA could see just one of these guys, couldn't they call the FWC and have them respond to catch them if their wrong! Being a public servant myself I know that we go to every call no matter how important the call is! I Have the sheriff at my house alot over kids motorcycle riding, Or for shooting guns in a safe manner and Yes I live in county and its legal. The law can't do a thing about it YET!!!! Some folks just hear a shot and swear that their being shot at!!!!! Some folks just call because of the shots. Hell, some folks just like to call to make sure their taxes are working!!! I know if these guys are hunting in a duck blind shooting so much that hulls are everywhere the FWC has the time to go out there and catch them and site violations if they are doing wrong. I'm pretty sure thats how its supposed to go. My sheriff tells me he knows I'm not doing anything wrong but he has to check out EVERY complaint when called. If a home owner is complaining about it I know good and well that they are not going to save a complaint till later!!! THEY CALL AT THE FIRST SHOT. GO AND FIND OUT WHO IT IS!!!!!! From your thread they must be there for quite a while. P S would expect matters to be handled in a PROFESSIONAL MANNER :) I'm sure your LT. Didn't read the thread before you put it out! HE WOULD OR SHOULD HAVE STOPPED IT :evil:
Can't beleive this post is getting left in the dust :( AMAZING. Would have thought country would have fired one across the bow by now :D
Wade there wernt nothin to shoot at. I posted in the beginning of this thing. My solution is simple make it a quota hunt on a per day basis. If the hunting is that good the quota will be filled either way the over use issue is a dead one. Who wants to eat saltwater ducks anyways ... nasty

As to Jeff well if he is a law officer then he should step up and arrest someone if they are doing something wrong instaed of posting it jail em. heck go ahead and shoot em they have guns so it would be ok to kill em if he is a L.O. right. They probably could be arrested and sent to a secret prison for being a terrorist group gathering data on the space coast area.

Someone should be able to stop this really easily if it is a problem. AND if it is illeagal activity if it isnt well change the laws then. saltwater ducks yuck ...

There you go wade hows that LOL
Country thats a beauty! You always have a way with words thats for sure. My heart feels much better now! I haven't been airboating for long thats for sure and have never duck hunted. I'll take your word on them tasting nasty! How many airboats run the "salt" anyway?
wade":2kg4re22 said:
How many airboats run the "salt" anyway?

We have (3) three right here in southern Brevard.

But again, this was meant to be a generic post that was posted on (5) five sites, not focused @ anyone in particular.

As far as myself taking action as an LEO, can't on misdemeanors outside of my jurisdiction.

That's what the phone is for. :lol:
Knowingly firing a shot towards an occupied dwelling is not a misemeanor is it? How about Reckless endangerment?

Watch em long anough and you'll see at least one of em tresspass. Armed tresspass for sure and for certain is not a misdemeanor.

Sounds like you shouldnt have to stretch things too much to find a felony in there.

Get with an officer of whatever GFC mutated into. They can show ya the rules (Statute) that authorize ANY LEO in the state to enforce game laws, unless things have changed in the last few years. They can also likely come up with a GFC code book for ya.

Wow, this doesn't concern me but as I read the very first post I was upset and angry because I thought it was directed to me. Then I continued reading and found this
p.s. You can always tell the groups that get picked on alot, they immediately go on the defensive
When you post you, you , you, yes some people are going to take offense no matter how you meant to say it. People remember that it is hard to express yourself on here because you can offend more than one person. That is something that we all have to deal with because it is a chat forum and you cannot change your tone of voice over the computer. I have been guilty of this I am sure but we all need to write what we want to say then preview it. Read it two or three times before you post it. I know I have done that and it has helped a whole lot.
As far as airboats being in the river, I live right here too and have yet to see one in the river. We do have a friend who fishes alot and he has only seen two and that has been over a span of five years. Not saying they are not out there but most airboaters here stay away from the river because it is so rough all the time.
As far as taking care of the problem of shooting, I agree with the person who posted that FWC needs to get out there and watch for themselves instead of calling someone and having them post on websites because I don't think that will work. I know it would not work for me. It is like saying you are going to spank your child but yet never do it. Eventually they will stop listening to idle threats.