I don't, but Rick likes to pile kids all over the front of his boat.
They do all the frog grabbing! He told me thats why his boat does not sport a grass rake. It would get in the way of the frog grabbing kids.
Some believe that you may grab a cottonmouth by mistake if you grab frogs by hand. Ever grab one of those in Texas?
Some have said that they have witnessed screaming frogs getting taken by cottonmouths at the waters edge, and you may grab a frog that is getting preyed upon by one when you grab it.
Judging by Stan's recent frog post, I'm not sure who's eating who.
Could be the frogs are eating up all the moccasins!
I've never found a snake in a frog yet. Just big minnows, bugs, and dragonfly's. I guess thats cause I ain't got into those big frog dogs yet.
Before Stans post, I never knew it took so long to grow a big frog. I always figured it just took a few months.
Guess nobody knows it all. At least not me.
I here ya on the frog release deal. It's cool.
I've let a few big ones go in the marsh behind my house. I like to hear them talking when I go outside prior to sunrise. It's a beautiful thing.
Here's one Muddfish collected on a gig.