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CCAA Poker Run and cookout on Sat - Who's Going??

Daddy Dave

Well-known member
Just trying to get an idea of how many of our gang might be joining their gang on Saturday. I am planning to be there. For the uninnitiated, the Lake Hernando marsh system is spectacular. Clear waters, plenty of small hardwood islands and lots of room.
Wish I could make it but I'm running on the "Race for the Cure" in Miami.
My wife is in charge of the club that is attending the event. This is National Breast Cancer Month. It raises a bunch of money from sponsers who support the walkers.

But, I'll be at the next run.
Just a reminder to everyone, its a RODEO not a poker run. Our rodeo is not a simple zig-zag course but a barrel race with key hole attached.
Last year, Bill Johns won with a 4cyl, followed by Greg Abbott with a 500 cadillac. So you never know who will win! I strongly suggest a high vollume bilge pump being in order.
And Please; All competitors are Strongly urged to wear a P.F.D.
Thanks ,
There is more info on this rodeo under another thread under "other airboating events".
Be at the Hernando boat ramp at aboat 8:30 or so and you can follow other boats out to the park which is in the marsh. Aint no driving the car to this one!
Bob/ Swampjet