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CermiNil Cylinders


Well-known member
I'm looking to purchase a boat with an AV 540 that has all six cylinders with the CermiNil process done by ECI. All six cylinders were certified airworthy when they were installed on the boat some years back (I've seen the yellow tags and paperwork). All of my boats have been aircraft, but I've never heard of these cylinders. From what I've read online, they seem to be as good as you can get...ECI warranties that CermiNil-treated cylinder bores will remain free of corrosion and wear beyond service limits in normal operating conditions to TBO.

Just looking for more opinions, because I know nothing about them. Are these unusual to find in an airboat engine?
Bump. Probably going to make a decision on this boat sometime today, any help from the aircraft guys is appreciated.
To be honest, every cerminil cylinder I have gone to overhaul that were first pulloffs were worn to the steel barrel on most up in the choke with a heavy ring ridge, I prefer channel chrome cylinders personally.
John these were fresh overhauled cylinders. They were overhauled and certified through ECi, then assembled on an AV 540 Airboat engine a few months later. They never went on a plane; straight to an Airboat. I've always heard you want steel cylinders vs chrome, I was just wondering where these lie in the order of preference.