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Chassahowitzka NWR Permits

Airboat Use: Airboat use on the Refuge is restricted to Hernando County waters and posted routes. Operators are required to have a refuge airboat permit. Permits are issued from the Refuge headquarters.

This is an excerp from their site:

Airboats, with their capability of operating in shallow waters and over marsh vegetation, along with their characteristic high noise levels, are known, when improperly operated, to disturb wildlife and destroy habitat. As a result the refuge has established certain special regulations, to control their use on the refuge. The need to require airboat operators to have a permit is also based on the need to insure individuals are adequatedly advised and informed of certain federal regulations which are designed to protect wildlife/wildlands on the refuge

I heard a Lake Country deputy Sherriff mention the destruction of federally protected vegetation.

Does anyone know what they are talking about??


Wll they may be talkin about seagrass, marsh grass, small trees. you know we all run the same trail and when we do it makes a rut which is the poroblem in the glades because the water flows down the trails instaed of through the grass. I was at gardner marsh today and witnessed this happening the water coming down the trail into the marsh looked like a rapid. it just our natural way to follow the existing trails like cows do. I dont know if spreadin out would help for sure but it might.
cntry - They are probably talking about marsh vegetation but not the seagrasses. Airboats will not cause any long term damage to seagrasses while below surface propellers will. I fly over the Laguna Madre in Texas every so often and you can see the propeller scars all over the bay. They say some last for several years. However, you do not see any scars on the bay bottom from airboats.

Propeller damage in seagrasses is soon going to be a big fight on Texas Coast with portions of some of the bays possibly being closed to boat traffic with propellers that are below the water line, especially in portions of the Laguna Madre. About 85% of the redhead ducks use or winter in that area and lots of groups are concerned about the long term damage being done by shallow draft outboards that are becoming popular. AND THEY ARE PUSHING AIRBOATS AS A BETTER ALTERNATIVE.

I would guess that cntry is right and they are concerned with boats running the same routes. I know when I was driving with seismic companies, it was a rule that airboat drivers had to try to keep moving over a foot or more during each pass down the trail. That way it supposedly would minimize damage to grass and compaction on the roots. I was shown some damage on aerial photos in tidal marshes where the trails I helped make are still there, nearly 10 years later. With the rate of marsh loss in Louisiana, we all know of marshes that most of us can remember as grass that are now mudflats or shallow lakes. To me it sure was a eye opener. So I try to tread lightly.

Write the manager a letter and ask what habitat damage they are meaning. They should answer or write that area's congressman.
Now isn't the time to run that area anyway. They have a no wave zone about 2-3 miles long on one part of the river. It startes in Apr, and ends in Aug 31.