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Commission Considers Banning Airboats On Cherry Lake


By JULIA FERRANTE jferrante@tampatrib.com

Published: Jan 15, 2006

LAND - O' LAKES - Joe Barness turns the key, and the propeller of the airboat dubbed "Vader" spins with a tractorlike sputter. He revs the engine, and a whoosh of rippling waves speeds across the lake like a summer storm.

There's no doubt about it: The airboat is loud. It is like having a jet....

The rest: http://pasco.tbo.com/pasco/MGBWTBBQGIE.html
While I explained to Julia the issue is a SOUND issue, just like a reporter, she choose NOISE as the topic. Feel free to drop her a note & educate her.
As can be expected with any media, if they get 75% of what you tell them right, that's above the curve,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A public hearing is set by the Citizens Review board at 4 pm on March 22 at the West Pasco Goverment Complex in New Port Richy.


Good talking to you Friday. A few notes on your article.
The issue statewide is a "SOUND" issue. Noise is an annoyance to all, sound is what we hear. Since we have two sides to this story, fairness should use Sound instead of noise unless you are referring to a complaint. Also, in FWC reference to the issue and in their research, it's a SOUND issue.
The Florida Airboat Association has over 50 member organizations. The 28 members you refer to is the number of Airboat/sportsmen conservation clubs & associations in Florida.
Last, while I mentioned lobbying, I am not a lobbyist.
Thanks for your time. When you are ready for a ride, drop me a line.

Captain Phil Walters
Florida Airboat Association-President
16147 Ravendale Dr.
Tampa, Fl. 33618

The Florida Airboat Association is an umbrella statewide sportsmen organization of airboat related businesses, organizations and clubs. We actively promote safe boating while protecting our natural resources. The FAA members have a long tradition as leaders in conservation, humanitarian aid and protection of Florida's native habitats by both word and action of it's members.
The members of the Florida Airboat Association received United States Congressional recognition in 2005 for their resolve in volunteer rescue efforts of hurricane Katrina victims.
You know it doesn't matter if you call it sound or noise it is still a problem and most folks could care in the l;east what you call it just stop it. If that guy is not running mufflers on a small lake like they describe then he is getting what he deserves. a lake that small should be an idle speed only situation.

names are symantics one mans junk is anothers treasure so give the terminolgy a rest you are only embarrassing yourself with the play on words. just my opinion.
You're right it's a small pond and should be idle only.

As for Sound vs Noise you're missing a few points. In the realm of public opinion, of which much of what we do is judged, Noise is considered an annoyance, sound is what we hear. Folks who don't know us don't need to be feed negative BS concerning our activities by the media. We must stand up & protect our image and WORDS are very important! (Just ask a lawyer if words are important) If I refereed to your Mom, sister of wife in a derogatory way, you would fire right up and want to whip my butt. When the media or an anti maliciously attacks me, my friends or my chosen honorable pastime, I fire up & defend. I just wish all of us would do the same............

We need a positive Public opinion of us and our activities. You never know where you will meet someone who has been influenced by the media, pro or con. These unnamed folks hold sway over our future and I want to have a positive image of our group presented to them. That perception could be key to our future. That's why many organizations pay BILLIONS of $$$$ for a positive public opinion. (BTW, the FAA group has an effective PR group that produces results for nothing)

Public perception does matter. Your children may be suspended from school or you fired from work (I have many documented cases of such) because they choose to display the honorable Confederate flag that has been wrongly slandered in pop media.

We do not hunt bears in Florida because the director of G&F fears the public perception lies the anti's & PETA have spread via the pop media.

There are many other examples..........

This is the world we live in and either we adapt & protect our interests for resulds or roll over for the left so they can wipe us.............the efforts do produce results however slowly.

Happy hunting,
I may have missed a few points but if I did the are very subtle ones and tyo the average person which at this time is where we are on trial it is no biggie.

Here are the links for the definitions of the two words Ya'll decide for yourselves.

http://www.websters-online-dictionary.o ... tion/sound

http://www.websters-online-dictionary.o ... tion/noise

Main Entry: muf·fler
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'm&-fl&r
1 a : a scarf worn around the neck b : something that hides or disguises
2 : a device to deaden noise ; especially : one forming part of the exhaust system of an automotive vehicle
- muf·flered adjective

just a thought
I'm curious how big this lake is. Don’t get me wrong! If it’s a retention pond or a very small lake that you can swim across he shouldn’t be airboating out of respect for his neighbors. If so this guy is probably one of those pain in the ass people that makes life miserable for all of us. If it’s a lake well then that’s a different story. I hate the media and they cause 90% of these problems. They leave out info in order to affect and sway peoples opinions. I could be wrong but something is fishy here. I can’t comment till I know what is really going on and I will never base any opinion on what the media informs me. I have been in a few situations that made the news and they spun all the facts so bad to cause knee jerk reaction an persuade opinion what was reported didn’t even resemble what happened. Think about the law suit and mess over this kid with a pellet gun. I’m sorry he pulled it out then threaghned to shot people so I will support or law enforcement 100% on shooting somebody that aims any type of weapon or toy at an officer. I saw the lawyer on the news and the spin is starting the kid isn’t buried yet and a lawyer is already at work that’s what’s wrong and the news is hand feeding us their opinion. I will look on the web to find out the size of this LAKE.
My understanding is there is a section of open water in the pond that's 200' x 800' with total wetlands about 2 acres. There is conflict between the neighbors as I've spoken with both sides over both sound & the use of the airboat.
After speaking with one neighbor, she told me they were asking the county for a restriction on all motorized vessels, not just airboats.

As for merely words, the average person may not see the need to change their oil or maintain their vehicle regularly. May be the reason many car engines don't make 100k. Just because someone does not comprehend the forces at play does not mean those forces are not working...........
Words and image play big in our future. That's why PETA, Sierra and others go out of their way to trash us. This trashing does affect the 95% of citizens who don't know a thing about what many of us do and even has other sportsmen groups buying into the trash...

As we aggressively defend ourselves and attend meetings, many of us (redneck actives) are finding to gain a positive outcome for our side (from bureaucrat, elected official or the public) there is a direct relationship to the positive spin we have received in media coverage. Again, believe it or not, positive PR works & is Very Important.
A 200ft X 800ft pond. I looked it up on the net and the only lake I could find with that name is in a housing development in Clermont. Dam near most retention ponds in down town Melbourne are that big. I’m sorry but by judging the news story I thought it was a lake and this lake has an eco system like the Galapagos Islands. I’m amazed by the migratory birds, floating mud tussles and other forms of wild life live on this lake. They way people were saying the airboat was destroying the environment kills me.
But Waterthunder, it does have migratory birds...the all too invasive Greater North American Snowbird. They are loud and pushy and tend to annoy the native animal populations for 4 or 5 months every year. :p

Now that’s funny! I often tell people I wish us native humans were protected like native animals.
This fellow is open to modifying his behaviors - he already has put more pitch in his prop to reduce RPMs on his GPU from 3300 to 2600 and is getting a professional muffler system installed tomorrow by "Scotty" in Tampa. Sounds to me like he is doing his part to settle / reduce this dispute. One who buys an airboat - his first - gets the fever, maybe turns his prop too fast and doesn't put mufflers on. But, he is willing to change all those things to one degree or another.

This has nothing to do with Confederate flags, Yankees, PETA or otherwise. This sounds like a classic confrontation between neighbors.

And, another group of neighbors who want a county ordinance to make their little subdivision deed restricted after the fact.

We are involved and will try to effect a compromise. however, we do not want an ordinance to ban airboats as a defacto method of after the fact deed restrictions. It would be a dangerous legal precident to allow to occur.
In war not all battles can be won and some battles shouldn't be fought .personaly I prefer to fight battles i can win. I think cherry lake is a lost battle from the get go.
That picture say's it all from my point of view you can swim across this so called lake. That's my point if the new's said 200x800 pond. 95% of the readers would feel he shouldn't be running an airboat. But they printed lake just to stir the pot. It's not my business but buy the size of the pond and the amount of houses near buy I wouldn't run my airboat there out of courtesy to my neighbors. Now if he lived there before the growth I would feel bad for him but he has recently moved there. So he encroached on their neighborhood. Not what us air boaters usually experience when the new houses encroach on our area. I would get a small kicker boat. How many times have us airboaters cried we were here first. Sorry did I mention I hate the media. In their next story they will be calling trash cans city dumps. HE-HE.
well just took time to read cntrys links to websters online .the way i read it the sound that airboats make is noise.of course I am no scholar by any means. This artical is a prime example of how just one soundy airboat can draw attetion to us . All the more reason for all of us airboaters to get our boats quiet.
It may be sound to some and noise to others....it's all a matter of perception, participation, presentation, and preservation! :notworthy: