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Silent Prop
R. I. P.
You can go to myflorida.com and select the government section and find your state representatives & congressmen. You also can go to the fwc site and send emails to them.

Contact any local officials you can by whatever means you need to use.


Remember once you write it down or say it it isn't yours anymore and you can't take it back so please be as repectful as you can and ask for their help.

government employees dont get paid all that well so the only ways that they derive satisfaction from their job is either by helping you or screwin you over, and you choose it for them by your attitude so be nice even if it kills you.

Now all it takes is just a couple of idiots on the water to undo a whole bunch of good deeds accomplished by the majority. It sounds mean but if we are gonna survive we better start convincing the hot heads, renegades, outlaws, or whatever you want to call them that they need to straighten out their act. I would suggest if they don't listen well turn in their hull numbers to FWC in a written statement and they will get the message then.

It seems every year about this time this subject comes up gee I wonder why? could it be that the tourist or snowbirds have landed again.

Now in the alternative we could try collective prayer for more hurricanes next year which has had an affect on the number of snowbirds.

This might sound like a stupid question, but what would you like me to say to them? Is there an action or a proposed rule that we should oppose?

My view is that the rule makers are caught in the middle as usual. On one hand they have unhappy citizens that don't like noise in their residential areas, and sometimes this boils down to one person in a neighborhood. On the other they have airboaters that have complaints where they did not have them in years past, and fear they will lose their boating rights.

If we can reduce or stop the complaints, the pressure comes off the rule makers and we go happily on our way. It seems to me that we can identify the problem, then attempt to solve it with minimal government help.

What am I missing here?

Like I SAID EARLIER if folks would just think and use good judgement before they push the peddel down it would stop a lot of this, it might take you a minute longer to go slow threw a no wake zone or a populated area
and not make folks mad and we need to start policeing are own,all it takes is a few Renagades to give the public the wrong preception of Airboaters as a whole.

If part of the problem is a law enforcement issue, I have a question. What is the fine for speeding in a no wake zone in your area?
(if you know)

CRACKER: I don't know what to tell you to say. I am not sure there is anything that can be said. As long as some airboaters do stupid things they will get all the attention be it good or bad.

The noise study may prove that airboats can't operate within the current limits set by the state. Local governments are currently able to set more stringent limits so it may all be for naught anyways.

SNIPER: I think the idea of us helping to crack down on the renegades is an excellent idea. Thats what the part about turning in their hull #'s was about. I don't think it will be done though. No one wants to get involved and no one wants to be the one who busts someone. It is always someones buddy who has just had too much to drink that time and when their sober they are a good guy so don't be mean to them because they are drunk. Kinda like freinds don't let freinds drive drunk. I don't know many people who are willing to risk getting their butt whipped or shot over it.

CRACKER: the fine for speeding is only a point when you are caught doing it. There is not enough law enforcement officers on the water to enforce the drunk driving laws let alone the speeding laws. But you know they were able to enforce the law about having too many lights on your boat on several airboaters on kissimmee. I guess the lights bothered someone more than the noise that time. and yep its true and no it wasn't me.

All I know is the squeaky wheel gets the grease so maybe a plea for some consideration on the noise rule would help, maybe not but we need to figure out something because this one is not going away. So if anyone has suggestions that can be practially implemented now is a good time to throw them out for a spin around the forum.
I guess my point is that if the problem is a few people and is an enforcement problem, then enacting new laws or rules will not solve it since their is not enough enforcement or penalty for the existing laws. More laws just create aggrivation for everyone, and I can make that point to my elected representatives.

Where can I find a copy of the proposed noise reg?

As for suggestions for reducing airboat noise, there are some quiet props now on the market. Exhaust crossovers can reduce noise, the H-pipes apparently do not scavenge to help power, but the x-pipes can be designed to enhance power and reduce low frequency noise. Just cross connect the pipes under the engine.

You already read about the ducted prop.

I was at the faa ride this past weekend and saw a big block boat from air boat pro's that had resignators and borla style mufflers on it and when he fired it up it was very quiet and sounded great he ran it up to 2500rpm and it was just quiet . so they can be quieted down it just takes money.
Well I agree with the comments about turning people in. I don't like to do it and used to not do it, but is my 2 cents.

Fisherman are out numbered in the country probably 10 to 1, hunters probably 100 to 1, airboater, heck it is probably 500,000 to 1. We will never be able to win with votes, but if we try to be the good guy and make other do the same we have a chance. After a while the rotten apples will get culled or they will straighten up. If they are culled it will be by their own doing.

I hunt waterfowl on public lands and B.S. caused by a few bad apples ends up taking our access away. But I have found that cell phones in hunters hands with the operation game thief number or the hunter's check station is a handy thing. The warden are not able to write a ticket but when the warden shows up and cruises right up to the offender for a serious coversation, the offender takes notice. I know of a few hunters that had the wardens arrive at their house to discuss thing about unsafe operations to them. And the offender never know who called. But he realizes that someone is watching. But talking to the rotten apple will probably get you in lots of trouble, cause I would be willing to be they are a hot head as well.

Is it a cheap shot? Not in my book. One rotten apple spoils the whole basket and if we are not willing to pick through the apples, we are just as much as fault as the rotten apple.

Those guys blasting through no wake zones, whether in airboats or whatever, would not appreciate a kid on a skateboard going through the parking lot dragging a set of keys on each car he passed, especially if one car belonged to them. If some jerk sandblasted the new paint job on their boats rudders they would want a piece of his hide. Well what about the boats getting slammed into the docks or swamped (and that happens). People doing stupid things like that don't deserve any respect and sure don't need us to cover for them.

Cracker and Sniper are right. If we want to continue with running airboat, we had better be ready to stand up for them.

I cannot really understand why people would be scared of putting on mufflers, especially after reading what all of the knowledgeable people are saying about getting more thrust with some increased back pressure. I sure learned I was totally backwards with my thinking.

But running full bore around or near housing developments, come on guys, how many of you want a teenage blasting rap from 15 inch speakers outside your house at 2 AM. We have got to be willing to change.

After a few summers in the seismic business, I heard a saying from one of the safety people. Speed that trills is speed that kills. While I am not saying I don't hit the throttle hard, there is a time and place for it. And around areas with houses if senseless. In conjested areas, there is no reason for it.

We have to be willing to give a little if we want to keep our airboating.

My 2 cents.
Cracker; I read about the ducted prop and have downloaded the articles. The tolerances are a lot closer than 3/4" if I read it right and if properly mounted and using wires for added ridgidity across the motor side of the shroud it may be worth a try but man oh man they were talking about tlerances of 3/32" if anything goes wrong gonna be a big aw poopee.

I will be trying the crosed double muffler setup, my boat is in the shop now for a new fuel tank and tried to get the mufflers installed but owner wont call back or wife didnt tell him I called so will just buy the pieces and do it myself he probably dont need the money anyways.

I guess the saying " let your fingers do the walkin" is gonna be our best bet. I assume that if enough calls are placed about some butt head maybe the law will do something but I am not gonna hold my breath. I feel its like gun control laws the criminals dont care how many laws are passed they dont obey them anyways just reasonable people care about laws.

so we will see how this shakes out and do the best we can as long as we can. I only can do my part to quiet down my boat but it will be done.

I have access to a sound meter and will start taking it to the lakes with me and run some test on mine and other boats, I'll let ya'll know.

Here is the reference I used:


The report gets very technical but in the conclusions it says that clearances of 1% of the diameter or less are required for noise suppression. You could be right, but this is where I got the number. I think the smaller clearances would probably work better. The clearance needs to be small enough to interfere with the tip vortex. The shroud reduces or prevents the reverse flow (tip vortex) that happens in the static condition.


It depends on how severe the violation is but it can be up to a few hundred dollars.
When I stop some one it depends on how well they pass there (ATTITUDE SOBRIETY TEST) if they going to get a ticket or not I prefer verbal warnings if the person is in to being compliant with me and if these folks that are being outlaw that are bringing greef on the rest of us airboaters are in a frame of mind to be reasoned with,it might not hurt to explain to them what there actions are causing for the rest of us,but PLEASE do not put your self if harms way in doing so That's my job.
Yes, we need to contact our elected officials. We have plenty to tell them & not just about airboats.

I have outlines available on our issues from the good PR we don't get (and some good PR we do recieve), to what SOLUTIONS we have to problems at hand, to what our airboat clubs do to make Florida a better place for all to live.

Call me at 813-968-6154 or e-mail Gatorstick@aol.com for more info.

The NAACP, Handgun Control Inc, NOW, PETA, US Humane, Defenders of Wildlife & many others have influence with our elected officials because they show up & speak up. It's all of our right to speak, so we need to stop moping and do the same. It flat out WILL PRODUCE RESULTS!
Country141iq and Others,

Your thoughtful comments show a real concern for the future of airboating. Gatorstick is offering the specifics about the right way to make contact with decision makers.

We have not lost this effort and we will win IF:
We organize,
We set the right example,
We make the committment to Volunteer our efforts for the public good,
We realize that this effort requires Leadership

Often we get wrapped up in identifying "enemies" rather than identifying opportunities.

Here's one example. Last week there was an effort headed by Tampa Bay Watch to remove abandoned crab traps from the Alafia River along the eastern shore of Tampa Bay. The official T-Shirts stated the event was co-sponsored by TBW and Ocean Conservancy. OC has been a vocal opponent of shallow water boating anywhere around any manatee.

Enter a FEW Florida Airboat Association volunteers and their boats. OC Babe, one of shallow water boating's most vocal opponents, gets on an airboat and spends two days getting muddy pulling nasty traps accessable only to an airboat.

Now, she sees:
That nothing on an airboat sticks into the water and manatees are actually less likely to get scarred from an airboat than any other shallow draft craft - AND - that seabirds lift and relite when an airboat passes by - AND - that waterfront neighbors are thrilled about cleaning up the old traps - AND - that an airboat rescues the project powerboat that goy its prop snarled in an abandoned crab trap.

Am I stupid enough to believe she will become a supporter? Nope. But, I suspect she will not be as avidly venemous when the subject of airboats comes up. She will see us as an asset for her future uses.

Also, that VERY SMALL group of FAA Airboating volunteers got major psitive press on Tampa NewsWatch 8 TV and in the St. Petersburg Times - Gatorstick went into full cardiac arrest with the latter.

Individuals can make the difference in our campaign to keep airboating alive and well. OR< they can have the opposite effect. It is up to US - there is no THEM.
If you have a hankering to contact some elected officials, I can recommend five right now, and I can even tell you what needs to be said. We need your help with a grassroots effort to stop the adoption of an airboat noise ordinance in Citrus County.

For more information, including contact information for the five County Commissioners, and even a sample letter from which you are WELCOME to cut and paste, or even just say "Amen" to, go to the Current Issues page of the Citrus County Airboat Alliance website, http://www.citrusairboat.org/currentissues.html.

Help us spread the word. Those commissioners need to hear from a couple of hundred of us airboaters in the next week or so.

But as others have pointed out, it is critical that we make a good impression. Nothing hurts our cause worse than sounding like a bunch of tobacco-chewin', gun-totin', law-defyin' hicks. Don't give them an excuse to stereotype us. Keep it clean, watch the spelling, and whenever possible, offer positive alternatives to any negative proposals those elected officials are considering.

Bob Hoover, CCAA President
OK, quick confession to clarify the previous post. This is actually the WIFE of swampjet online right now. And I'm the one who posted as Bob at 1:48 am, too. He probably wouldn't put so much emphasis on the importance of proper spelling -- I'm the writer/editor of the family. He also wouldn't disparage tobacco chewing or gun toting, as I seemed to do. 'Course, I tote a gun myself -- so I didn't mean anything by it.

Bob did ask me to use this forum to stir up some support for our cause. Thanks, Rick, for making this available to us!!!

And y'all forgive me for "ghostwriting" under the swampjet alias occasionally. We're just keeping it in the family...

Janis Hoover
CCAA Secretary, webmaster, and wife of the President