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Did they close the glades up or not


Well-known member
If they did they should not have ,because the water level was below the 11.6 elev, and the reservation is at 9.57 elev , So that is totally a stupid closure. Bottom line they just don't want us out there :slap: :slap: :violent1: :rebel: :old_glory:
:cheers: I am sorry i think i read this email from the miccosukees wrong ,I believe the reservation is still open :rebel: :rebel:
Here is the answer to your question. It's a crock of crap because the water isn't high. This always seems to happen on opening weekend of Gator hunting season.

:rebel: As i stated above they have not reached the elevation of the 11.6 that is required for them to shut things down,so they are totally jacking with us. Plus as i have argued in the past what happens on the north side of the alley should have absolutely have nothing to do with the south side, IT is 2 feet lower on the south side. BUT I GUESS YOU CANT FIX STUPID, they take their readings from the 2 areas on the north side that are always the deepest, go figure :slap: :slap: :slap: :violent1: :violent1: :rebel: :rebel:
Big time rain coming this week Monday ---Friday . and they want us to help with the snakes .
:rebel: Wow I can not believe that there is no one raising cane about this closure, water is below the elev, for shutting down the areas .if they get away with it once this will be the norm closing areas down ,when ever they want. THE MAIN PERSON MUST BE A DEMOCRAT taking away everything :rebel: :scratch: :dontknow: :stirpot:
Scotty1 said:
:rebel: Wow I can not believe that there is no one raising cane about this closure, water is below the elev, for shutting down the areas .if they get away with it once this will be the norm closing areas down ,when ever they want. THE MAIN PERSON MUST BE A DEMOCRAT taking away everything :rebel: :scratch: :dontknow: :stirpot:
I watch the numbers everyday, it went over 11.6 for like 1 or 2 days and they pulled the trigger.
:rebel: The water elev , is 11.38, 11.6 is the closing elev, SO THEY SHOULD OPEN IT UP but I know they wont until they want to. they are quick to close and very very slow to open back up. they are just flexing their mussels to show who is the boss. just think we pay their salaries . :rebel: :violent1: :slap:
Scotty1 said:
:rebel: The water elev , is 11.38, 11.6 is the closing elev, SO THEY SHOULD OPEN IT UP but I know they wont until they want to. they are quick to close and very very slow to open back up. they are just flexing their mussels to show who is the boss. just think we pay their salaries . :rebel: :violent1: :slap:
Someone told me once they close it, it's 30 days minimum.
It's called they are getting us use to it being closed. Once the water plan is completely done and they hold 3'+ of water mostly year around it will pretty much be closed all the time. Just think of it as getting us seasoned to the reality.
:rebel: Don't want to be spreading gossip but it is going all around that they will be shutting the glades down again this Friday because of the high water bull again. Hope not but it don't sound good. if anyone hears anything about the RES, let me know I am planning on coming down on Thursday. THANKS :dontknow: :rebel: don't want to drive 6 hours for nothing
If you're out there before the closure and happen to have boat trouble and have to stay out there a day or two after the closure...?
:rebel: I am going in the reservation have not heard anything about closure in their , but heard the public was closing at dusk Friday. :rebel:
:rebel: Does anyone know what is up with the web site that gave real time data on the water levels that the F.w.C. follows I keep getting cant open data. The reservation water level has drop 15 to 16 inches so I don't know what they are waiting for. But I cant get into the site that shows the 2 or 3 gauges that the fwc watches :rebel:
Duece yes the REservation is still closed , but i believe that it might open soon it has dropped around 16 inches . But thats just my belief
Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 9.36.33 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-01-12 at 9.36.05 AM.pngView attachment 1

Looks like the water levels are dropping and should be below the deer gauge in the next couple days.

Scotty1- I haven't been able to log on to water level site either, they had got a new server, you need to clear you browsers cache and then the site will work again.
So I'm not that familiar but when I look it up everglades and Francis is closed but big cypress is open...40 mile bend looks ro be at the line is it open to airboats. Or not