I watch the numbers everyday, it went over 11.6 for like 1 or 2 days and they pulled the trigger.Scotty1 said:Wow I can not believe that there is no one raising cane about this closure, water is below the elev, for shutting down the areas .if they get away with it once this will be the norm closing areas down ,when ever they want. THE MAIN PERSON MUST BE A DEMOCRAT taking away everything
:scratch: :dontknow: :stirpot:
Someone told me once they close it, it's 30 days minimum.Scotty1 said:The water elev , is 11.38, 11.6 is the closing elev, SO THEY SHOULD OPEN IT UP but I know they wont until they want to. they are quick to close and very very slow to open back up. they are just flexing their mussels to show who is the boss. just think we pay their salaries .
:violent1: :slap: