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E-bay Scam


Well-known member
Just wanted to try to warn as many people as possible. There is a yellow Airboat with a Radial Engine on Ebay again. It is a Scam. I have reported it to E-bay and Aol. Buyer Beware. Just wanted to let you guys know.

Do not Western Union anyone money!

If you need more details let me know.
farron, I bid 3k on it and the next day ebay canceled the auction. it has been on 3x nowm. big time scam.
Also, i just sold by little boat yesterday on ebay and 2 other people are sending out 2nd chance offers. joel
Fatboy, i am listening to evrybody talk about "small boats" tonight and am wondering if i did the right thing instead of re powering,
Plus i told my wife i sold the boat and her first question was how much did "WE" get....... i can here those wheels turning already. j
It's a good time to buy a used boat.
Seems like there are lots of really nice rigs out there going for cheap.

Check around, and bring somebody with you who knows to look at it before you buy.

Thanks for the warning Faron.
Wild Hair

If your looking for a boat, my youngest is selling one of his boats. I just put it in the classifieds here. Give him a call and see if its something you might be interested in. Tell him Scotty told ya to call so he knows ya ain't somebody trying to buy to resell. His wife told him one of the boats has to go.

There is 2 poeple on AOL screen name RUG35 and Jegter both have listed that boat for sale this week. They both want you to wire money.
Total Scam.
I really makes me mad that you cant catch them.

Gave me a phone number in Califonia, boat has Tx registration as home built, and says the boat is in Detroit.
Checked out the ad this is xxxxactly what i am looking for. too much boat for me but i can grow into it with all of you helping.
I will call your son as soon as i get the money for mineEBAY) i checked out the buyer, he has a huge sign company in atlanta so i think he will pay.
I just dont want to get my or his hopes up yet untill i can have the cash in my hand. i am interested enought to put some money down on it though. joel

You may save his marriage hahahahahahah

He asked me to just let folks know it has to go so make him take ya out in it for a ride. Hes very safe to ride with, he has 2 little girls that ride with him all the time. His bigger boat is more of the family boat since they are growing now.

I'll drop him an email and tell him to expect a call. I won't commit you to anything, thats all between you and him. Hope it works out for ya.
