Everglades Coordinating Council
Bullet Points
Future of Hunting in FL Summit
Everglades Coordinating Council delegates and affiliate membership:
The following are a list of “bullet points� that were compiled by ECC delegates based upon knowledge of issues, extensive discussion, and input from affiliate membership. They are being provided as suggestions for your consideration when developing input for the breakout sessions and other hunting summit forums.
1. Recruiting and Retaining Hunters:
a) Liberal public access, including vehicular access, and camping are vital to recruiting and retaining hunters.
b) Establish regulated “passive� ORV use without prejudice for use for hunting, with special accommodations for senior hunters.
c) Hunter education and youth camp programs should emphasize hunting as being an exciting and enjoyable experience, rather than simply a tool for conservation.
d) “Multi-use and land stewardship� rather than “environmental sensitivity� should be emphasized in hunter education classes.
e) Urge industry, sportsmen’s associations, and individual hunters to support Boy Scout and other youth programs that promote hunting and shooting sports.
f) State agencies, industry, and sportsmen’s groups should sponsor off-season field trips for diverse family-oriented groups (religious, civic, and political organizations) to hunting areas, simulating hunting by showing them tracks, feeding signs, rubs and scrapes, and other game sign.
g) Promote and provide facilities for youths to learn and develop shooting and archery skills.
h) FWC and sportsmen’s groups should issue press releases drawing positive attention to hunters’ good deeds (cleanups; tree planting; volunteering for civic projects) so that non-hunters will be drawn to the culture.
i) Eliminate the quota system to allow for spontaneity in planning that is necessary for recruiting and retaining hunters.
j) Continue to strive to make the licensing process easier.
k) Public hunting areas should be managed to the extent to accommodate regional hunting customs and techniques.
l) Provide a user-friendly web site, “Where to Hunt� with interactive GIS-driven data delivery on Public and Private lands.
2. Increasing Access and Opportunities for Hunting on Public Land:
a) Educate agency staff and the public about impacts The Wildlands Project has already had on access to public lands, hunting traditions, and license sales, as well as its long term goals for removing all human access to and enjoyment of Florida’s lands.
b) Address public concerns that “Ecological network� as explained in FL Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) is another term for The Wildlands Project.
c) Inventory all state lands for existing uses and evaluate them for hunting opportunities.
d) Encourage state land managing agencies (the five Water Management Districts, DOF, and DEP) to allow FWC to conduct hunts on more of their lands.
e) Simplify regulations and the process for obtaining licenses and quotas.
f) Eliminate or dramatically increase quotas.
g) As the “Purpose� of a land acquisition determines the level of recreational use it receives, reauthorize an improved FL Forever land acquisition program that clearly defines multi-use recreation including hunting and fishing and passive ORV access as a purpose of public land acquisition. (“No plan; no land.�)
h) Prevent transfer of any more state or Water Management District lands and waters to the federal government, and do not enter into cooperative state/federal agreements that have strings attached that will reduce or restrict access and multi-use recreation, including hunting, fishing, and vehicular access.
i) Seek official definition of:
a. “Incompatible recreation�
b. “Recreation consistent with the purpose of the acquisition�
c. “Access� (See recommended language below.)
j) Area to be hunted must be readily accessibly by ordinary vehicles for walk in areas and still hunt areas (e.g. parking within ½ to 1 mile of hunt area. More remote areas must be designated for passive ORV access by well-defined routes providing access to within easy walking range to the entire land unit.
k) Areas to be hunted must be accessible by age and disability impacted hunters.
l) Areas to be hunted must be open for scouting and other off-season activities.
m) Public hunting areas should be managed to accommodate regional hunting customs and techniques.
n) Set up a working group of public and private land managers and sportsmen to determine what has been done successfully in other states to increase access and opportunities on public lands.
3. Increasing Access and Opportunities for Hunting on Private Lands
a) Mitigation banks should include multi-use recreation, including hunting.
b) Explore the possibility of mitigation banks being managed by contiguous landowners as extensions of existing hunting leases.
c) Less than fee conservation easements which include public hunting have a greater public value than non-hunting conservation easements, and should be compensated at a higher value.
d) Agricultural activities should be timed so as not to conflict with prime hunting dates.
e) Set up a working group of public and private land managers and sportsmen to determine what has been done successfully in other states to increase access and opportunities on private lands.
4. Strengthen the Foundations of Ethics and Conservation
a) The term “ethics� applies to social/curtsey issues as well as illegal acts; these distinctions must be clearly defined if “ethics� is to be effectively addressed.
b) Unreasonable regulations and over concentration of access generates resentment and creates conflicts that lead to lapses in ethics.
c) Sportsmen’s organizations must educate and police their own members; peer pressure works.
d) Implement a media campaign to:
1. Improve non-hunter’s image of hunters.
2. Encourage ethical hunting practices.
3. Promote FWC’s Wildlife Alert Program.
4. Implement a litter education campaign to address trash left at access sites/landings and camping areas.
5. Assertively respond to anti-use campaigns of misinformation, and educate the public that anti-use extremist groups are targeting all human uses, not just hunting.
5. Building a Unified and Politically Strong Coalition of Hunting Organizations:
a) Build on the fact that Allied Sportsmen’s Associations of Florida is already recognized by the state and congressional sportsmen’s caucuses as the sportsmen’s political umbrella.
b) Convene an annual meeting of hunting club leaders and public and private land managers from throughout the state to meet, network, and discuss issues.
c) Establish a funding source for the Florida Legislative Congressional Caucus so that state legislators who support hunting can use the funds to attend meetings, educational forums, and field trips.
d) Support state and local candidates who will appoint pro-hunting individuals to head regional and state agencies and to serve on regional and state advisory committees.
e) Sportsmen must volunteer to serve on advisory committees to advocate hunting interests.
f) Monitor and participate in the actions of the following positions and agencies: Governor and Board of Trustees (Cabinet)
1. FL Department of Environmental Protection
2. Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC)
3. The five Water Management Districts
4. FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)
5. FL Department of Forestry
6. Department of Interior (NPS/USFWS)
7. Marine Sanctuaries
8. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Bullet Points
Future of Hunting in FL Summit
Everglades Coordinating Council delegates and affiliate membership:
The following are a list of “bullet points� that were compiled by ECC delegates based upon knowledge of issues, extensive discussion, and input from affiliate membership. They are being provided as suggestions for your consideration when developing input for the breakout sessions and other hunting summit forums.
1. Recruiting and Retaining Hunters:
a) Liberal public access, including vehicular access, and camping are vital to recruiting and retaining hunters.
b) Establish regulated “passive� ORV use without prejudice for use for hunting, with special accommodations for senior hunters.
c) Hunter education and youth camp programs should emphasize hunting as being an exciting and enjoyable experience, rather than simply a tool for conservation.
d) “Multi-use and land stewardship� rather than “environmental sensitivity� should be emphasized in hunter education classes.
e) Urge industry, sportsmen’s associations, and individual hunters to support Boy Scout and other youth programs that promote hunting and shooting sports.
f) State agencies, industry, and sportsmen’s groups should sponsor off-season field trips for diverse family-oriented groups (religious, civic, and political organizations) to hunting areas, simulating hunting by showing them tracks, feeding signs, rubs and scrapes, and other game sign.
g) Promote and provide facilities for youths to learn and develop shooting and archery skills.
h) FWC and sportsmen’s groups should issue press releases drawing positive attention to hunters’ good deeds (cleanups; tree planting; volunteering for civic projects) so that non-hunters will be drawn to the culture.
i) Eliminate the quota system to allow for spontaneity in planning that is necessary for recruiting and retaining hunters.
j) Continue to strive to make the licensing process easier.
k) Public hunting areas should be managed to the extent to accommodate regional hunting customs and techniques.
l) Provide a user-friendly web site, “Where to Hunt� with interactive GIS-driven data delivery on Public and Private lands.
2. Increasing Access and Opportunities for Hunting on Public Land:
a) Educate agency staff and the public about impacts The Wildlands Project has already had on access to public lands, hunting traditions, and license sales, as well as its long term goals for removing all human access to and enjoyment of Florida’s lands.
b) Address public concerns that “Ecological network� as explained in FL Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) is another term for The Wildlands Project.
c) Inventory all state lands for existing uses and evaluate them for hunting opportunities.
d) Encourage state land managing agencies (the five Water Management Districts, DOF, and DEP) to allow FWC to conduct hunts on more of their lands.
e) Simplify regulations and the process for obtaining licenses and quotas.
f) Eliminate or dramatically increase quotas.
g) As the “Purpose� of a land acquisition determines the level of recreational use it receives, reauthorize an improved FL Forever land acquisition program that clearly defines multi-use recreation including hunting and fishing and passive ORV access as a purpose of public land acquisition. (“No plan; no land.�)
h) Prevent transfer of any more state or Water Management District lands and waters to the federal government, and do not enter into cooperative state/federal agreements that have strings attached that will reduce or restrict access and multi-use recreation, including hunting, fishing, and vehicular access.
i) Seek official definition of:
a. “Incompatible recreation�
b. “Recreation consistent with the purpose of the acquisition�
c. “Access� (See recommended language below.)
j) Area to be hunted must be readily accessibly by ordinary vehicles for walk in areas and still hunt areas (e.g. parking within ½ to 1 mile of hunt area. More remote areas must be designated for passive ORV access by well-defined routes providing access to within easy walking range to the entire land unit.
k) Areas to be hunted must be accessible by age and disability impacted hunters.
l) Areas to be hunted must be open for scouting and other off-season activities.
m) Public hunting areas should be managed to accommodate regional hunting customs and techniques.
n) Set up a working group of public and private land managers and sportsmen to determine what has been done successfully in other states to increase access and opportunities on public lands.
3. Increasing Access and Opportunities for Hunting on Private Lands
a) Mitigation banks should include multi-use recreation, including hunting.
b) Explore the possibility of mitigation banks being managed by contiguous landowners as extensions of existing hunting leases.
c) Less than fee conservation easements which include public hunting have a greater public value than non-hunting conservation easements, and should be compensated at a higher value.
d) Agricultural activities should be timed so as not to conflict with prime hunting dates.
e) Set up a working group of public and private land managers and sportsmen to determine what has been done successfully in other states to increase access and opportunities on private lands.
4. Strengthen the Foundations of Ethics and Conservation
a) The term “ethics� applies to social/curtsey issues as well as illegal acts; these distinctions must be clearly defined if “ethics� is to be effectively addressed.
b) Unreasonable regulations and over concentration of access generates resentment and creates conflicts that lead to lapses in ethics.
c) Sportsmen’s organizations must educate and police their own members; peer pressure works.
d) Implement a media campaign to:
1. Improve non-hunter’s image of hunters.
2. Encourage ethical hunting practices.
3. Promote FWC’s Wildlife Alert Program.
4. Implement a litter education campaign to address trash left at access sites/landings and camping areas.
5. Assertively respond to anti-use campaigns of misinformation, and educate the public that anti-use extremist groups are targeting all human uses, not just hunting.
5. Building a Unified and Politically Strong Coalition of Hunting Organizations:
a) Build on the fact that Allied Sportsmen’s Associations of Florida is already recognized by the state and congressional sportsmen’s caucuses as the sportsmen’s political umbrella.
b) Convene an annual meeting of hunting club leaders and public and private land managers from throughout the state to meet, network, and discuss issues.
c) Establish a funding source for the Florida Legislative Congressional Caucus so that state legislators who support hunting can use the funds to attend meetings, educational forums, and field trips.
d) Support state and local candidates who will appoint pro-hunting individuals to head regional and state agencies and to serve on regional and state advisory committees.
e) Sportsmen must volunteer to serve on advisory committees to advocate hunting interests.
f) Monitor and participate in the actions of the following positions and agencies: Governor and Board of Trustees (Cabinet)
1. FL Department of Environmental Protection
2. Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC)
3. The five Water Management Districts
4. FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)
5. FL Department of Forestry
6. Department of Interior (NPS/USFWS)
7. Marine Sanctuaries
8. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers