Hey ya'll,
I reserve the right to edit this post due to my brain hard drive anti-virus being expired!
In no particular order....
Rick, Good to see you Friday night. We flew the awesome S.A. banner on Saturday on the boat, (hope someone got a pic of it).
UncleBubba, I don't think I've ever, or maybe will never ride again on such a beautiful night! Full moon, water like a mirror. Really glad ya'll could make it Friday night!
Red Dwarf, Good to finally put a face with a username. You did an excellent job on the building of your boat, it is an awesome boat.
Thunder, Lot of your boats on the river this past weekend. I wish I could be there to see them race next weekend. Good luck :thumbright:
A1, Your boat is not even the same boat! Excellent job :salute: Needs to be a lot sooner before we ride together again!
Bravo1218, Now that I know the what the "secret" code 1218 is used for I promise to keep the secret! Good to ride with you again all weekend :cheers:
Skeeter and LeeAnn, Best of company award this month! Gotta love that bass boat trick
Hope your head feels better :wink:
Geneva, Always good to ride with you and your family! Hope to see ya'll soon :hello2:
Cntry, The new boat is awesomely quiet! We could not eveh hear him pull up onto the bus Friday night when he got there! Excellent build :salute:
Stan, Good to see you and Cheryl again. That dog sure has had grown into a beautiful lab from the little pup she usta' be!
JDotson, Good to ride with ya'll again! Cadillac power all over the river this past weekend :wink:
Plum, The boys boat is an awesome little rig as well as the plum boat!
Robbie, Awesome job on the boat! Sorry about not being able to re-group Saturday night. We'll ride again soon :thumbleft:
FoMeAirboater, Award for "first on the scene" at the picnic! What time does that woman make you get up in the morning :wink:
BigDaddy, Nobody puts on a feast like the KRVSA, you, Big Gobbler and all the support from the loyal members of the KRVSA! Don't get any better than this.
Tom, Glad you finally got registered with S.A. :cheers: Can't wait to see what your build will be, gonna be awesome!
Safari Rick, good to see you again. Been awhile, awesome shrimp!
Rich Andrews, Love the boat! Gotta ride together again sooner!
Bandit and Bonnie, GTO boats rock! See ya'll soon!
CC and Dakota, Sorry for the snoring Saturday night
See ya'll soon, keep everyone safe over there at the races next weekend!
Mood, Pretty dang good last outing for the short time you have left as a bachelor!
BPS, Nice sled! Wish we coulda caught up to you to ride with!
Swampjet, Woodswoman and Bonnie, Really good to see the support. Good luck in the elections next week!
:wav: :wav: