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FAA meeting / SA run

should we plan a different ride location

  • yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Silent Prop
R. I. P.
I been thinking ... and yes I know that is a dangerous thing. But with airboat4fun tied up at a wedding , The FAA mystrey meeting place & time, You take those things into account at at best that leaves one day for a ride ... SO is it really a good idea to try and do them together?? we have two ride regulars that will be at the FAA wherever it is,

SO does anyone else want to put a rid etogether somewhere else and then re-visit south florida at a better time???
You all can do but I am driving down there and would love to be able to ride down there as well. They are hoping the meeting does not take as long as before so. But I would love to ride after the meeting or on Sunday.
That is just my feelings. You guys can decide what you want to do.
I would realy love to run the glades 3A with airboat4fun .and the way he talks, it be a pretty long ride more than one day. I would suggest to either make the ride a week or two later or lets ride some were else and ride there in march or april. Maybe airboat4fun could you suggest a date.
I just looked at one of the other posts and the lake cleanup is in April so maybe another month would work. March would not be bad and in May they have the River Ranch thing (from a post) so that would not work either. I still say that mudpuppy host one in his neck of the woods. What do you say?
All this is good talk! I see your point cntry, but one of the things about these rides is that it shows us as individuals some new places to ride. Then we can return at our own convienience and ride them some more. We don't HAVE to see it al in one day as a group. It's nice, but getting the "introduction" to a new area is a HUGE benefit to these group rides.

I vote for the Feb ride in south Fla in conjunction with the FAA meeting. Even if they only JOIN US for a portion of OUR ride. We'll plan our ride to overlap THEIR ride and all can be smiles together. We need details from the FAA about that, which seem to be coming really soon. I hope by the end of the week. But to work as a team on this, we need input from the quarterback.

For rides after that... Let's go for a ride out in Mudpuppy's and Swampjet's AWESOME marsh lake... Tsala Apopka Lake. MARCH. Inverness/Floral City/Hernando, Florida. Citrus county.

APRIL Kissimmee again and see if Southern Airboat can kick some butt with the cleanup efforts. THAT SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF FUN!

MAY River Ranch - make a name for ourselves again with a charity effort. MAYBE even launching further south and riding up. (or vice-versa)

June Middle St. Johns marsh. The area between Orlando and Titusville. Loughman Lodge area.

July Uncle Bubba keeps telling me about the awesome riding down there around Sebring. They've UNstraightened out the Kissimmee River, and it is flowing again into a beautiful marsh. Let's ride it! (I plan on doing that ride sooner than July with bubba.... but it seems like another cool place to ride.

August Airboat Rodeo in Nebraska? A Louisiana bayou ride? A Georgia ride up near Harvey?

Those are my suggestions for the next FEW months. But the point is that the planning for them should be now. Pick a target week or two, and specify a launch place, and fine tune the details as it becomes close. (instead of planning the whole thing 3 to 4 weeks ahead of time)

My suggestions above are jsut that - suggestions. My heart is not set on any one of them. All are subject for change and discussion. :)

I love the way you put that Matt. And I like the way you have each month worked out and I think they are all great.
You are so smart!!! :D
I asked my mommy and she said I could ride more than once a month. SO LETS BURN SOME GAS in the glades another time.

I know cc/dakota will be at the FAA rick/bps will be at the FAA bigdaddy, gatorslick, swampjet and others will be there also. That is the job they signed up for. airboat4fun will be busy also. I just didnt want to drive 4 hours to get there to ride one day and thought others may feel the same way.

I have a perfect attendance record for the SA RUNS and wish to keep it that way. I am not sure I will be at this one because no one knows where it is going to be at or when it will be or what we will do. just a thought
Oh come on country and chipper up. We have several weeks and it should all be figured out by tomorrow or Saturday and if not we can make our own plans. But all of us are going to be down there and I even think Big Feather is coming down there for the meeting so let's just have fun, have the run, and we can ride on Sunday some as well. I mean you are the boss and can go to work when you say :lol:
You know I love you and live to give you a hard time. :angel13:
I see by the voting poll above that more think just going someplace else for now. I'm not gonna argue that. Cntry - I really like your idea about another overnighter ride. That camping was fun, and this sure is the season for it. So if it's someplace else, let's make a camping trip of it. Is there another place in SOUTH FLORIDA we can do a two day camping ride, close so that some of the FAA chaps can join us? (even if it's a small haul?)

And Where does this riding with the FAA stop? I mean, they have a quarterly meeting & ride. We don't have to tag along all the time. I know it's nice to tag along, since this group has more than most other groups when it comes to the number of members attending the FAA meeting. Will the April FAA meeting be in conjunction with the Kissimmee Kleenup? Or is it a March meeting? I suggest we do our thing that floats our boat. If it works out with the FAA, that's perfect. but if not, it's not "less than perfect". This is not the end of the world, and there is always tomorrow. (for now) :p

I just thought I'd chime in here a little. I won't be at the FAA meeting. Duty calls. I have to go defend our state's rights to take land away and sell it. :evil:

I believe it realy helps that some one familar with an area directs the ride,were ever it takes place.And yes mood you made a good point that once you ride and you like it your free to go back when ever.I learned alot from cntry this last ride as it was the first time I had ever been on the marsh in daylight. Now I can negotiate the hole in the wall all the way back to the bus on my own even found a top seceret fishing hole.
Hey ya'll,

Go ahead and ride where you want! (Can see from the poll that nobody wants the drive that me and MS Basket do every month)!

I'll be in the glades as this is my backyard and love it here!

Offer still stands to leave from my place for the weekend, (1 hour from 3A ramp). Yeah Matt, I've got GPS numbers of the camps but thought that the owners might not like their address given out!

Basket it isn't about the drive. Do you know your way around out there enough to be the leader? If you you do then step up to the plate buddy. The one who we were looking to be a leader is going to be busy that day. I will drive down there for a two day weekend but driving down for a one day ride is silly when the area has been said to take several days to really appreciate. I suggested just changing the date not cancelling the ride forever. Why does it have to happen at the same time as the FAA meeting ... simply put ... it doesn't. Heck the FAA doesn't even know what they are doing why would we want to try and coordinate with them ... kinda like the blind leading the blind to me. Our club is getting big enough now to have more than one ride a month and not everyone will make everyone of them.

I am sorry you live in naples .. I too am faced with at least a two hour drive to put my boat in anywhere that is worth running I don't like it either I would move closer to somewhere but i made a deal with my mom to take care of her here until she dies so i am stuck here till then and I am not rushing her on her way LOL I would miss her more than the airboat .... maybe ... just kiddin I will. I wans't tryin to hurt any feelings it seemed that the coordination of this ride was having a hard time getting going thats all. Why should we wait on the FAA contary to what many seem to think they are not the premier airboat organization in florida, They are not the only ones who can and do speak for airboaters. We don't need to have them to have a successful ride anywhere we want to go. They have no web site to speak of .. they have no published agenda that I have seen .. I would say the krvsa and the west palm group more important to airboaters than the FAA. Now if someone knmows where I can go and find out what the FAA is doing for airboaters besides some irate person who attends the meetings sending me a blistering email then let me know but as of right now I am not impressed and I know alot more who feel the same but don't want to speak up.

Now I am off my soapbox
Ok I made a few calls and it was said a Leader was needed. SO HERE GOES.. Stan & I are going to plan on being at holiday park on friday evening. We are going to ride friday night saturday saturday night and sunday morning. We will meet any who want to call us either at the holiday campground or at the junction of the 10 mile run pointed out by airboat4fun at whatever time is decided. I have a GPS and new ground does not worry me. I will stay off Islands that have a camp on them or have a sign on them that says stay off of here.

The holiday park has gas, food, showers, a 24 hr. store bait and tackle. It sounds a lot like a camp mack to me. They have dry hookups for about 20 bucks which can be a tent or an rv but no sewer. Maybe you get water maybe not I will post the answer soon. If that fails Stan has the white trash condo & I will fabricate something similar if no dry ground is available to camp on. I need fuel so if at all possible Holiday campground sounds good to me.

If this works for the FAA they are welcome to hookup with us if they want to. If they ride somewhere else then I will miss them but a decision has been reached. ANYONE WANT TO JOIN STAN & I. LET US KNOW.
I'm on Matt's computer, and would like to voice my opinion about the 'glades run. Seems to me that the first member of SAO (airboat4fun) deserves a little consideration here. Probably the only run where we are gonna be right in his backyard, where he is the expert, just happens to be scheduled on the only day of the year that he can't be with us? Just doesn't seem right. And he is the obvious choice to be the leader/guide in the 'glades. Can't we work out something else to accommodate his plans? He's had his thing planned long before the FAA or the SAO decided to head south. And I don't think he should be punished for being more organized than the rest of us.

Randy, can you get Friday off and show some of us hard-core SAO members around? Then we can ride around and figure out camping spots, and you can do your thing on Saturday, then plan the big run on Sunday?

Just a thought. This might be more appealing to more of the airboat gang, maybe.

See y'all soon!

Laura. And Matt, too.

Agreed with the FAA topic! Southern Airboat should not wait for them to make up their mind,(if they ride from U.S. 41 the launch spoke of is members only from their website).

Have you looked at how far you will have to trailer to and from Holiday Park to 3A which is the best place for the ride? We could easily set up a base camp at the Miami canal(3A ramp area) which CC and other FAA delegates that ride with us could meet/launch at. Gas and provision are an issue out there! (When I hunted there for 8 years you learn how to make ice last for 3 days) , gas is a tougher issue out there. That's why the signs on the "Alley" leaving Naples say "CHECK GAS, NO GAS FOR 50-70 MILES"! I can pitch a tent again!

I know the trails good enough. Have almost all the camps on my GPS but respect the owners privacy to never publish the coordinates on the internet!

I'll get down off the soapbox now!

Thanks for steping up baskett ,I am sure airboat4fun will help as much as he has time for considering the circumstances. I believe the post stated that it was a ten mile run from holiday to the slough were every body meets wich should be alright about a tweenty minute run maybe three gallons of gas. howevery I will admit I know nothing of the area other then the fact that i was born in miami 50 years ago . I am looking forward to Burnin gas in the grass. :lol:
Okay, here is my input and you will have to excuse me because I am still teary eyed from reading some beautiful words Big Daddy shared with me, so hope I can see thru the tears to spell correctly.

I don't like hearing the talk about FAA as if they (we) are something separate and apart from you (us) ! FAA is a representative organization of the airboaters and airboating clubs and other sportsmen organizations throughout this state, our collective voice. Without us (you) they do not exisit. Let's be kinder in how we talk about ourselves!!

It just doesn't sound right to hear our organization (FAA) being talked about as some separate entity from us-and it has even been suggested that they (we/FAA) may not want to include "us"! That's ridiculous! The details of the upcoming meeting place are forthcoming I can assure you. But whenever you coordinate something, it involves time. Please be patient. I know we are anxious- I am! I know I'm not gonna be left out and neither is anyone else. Already wondering where am I going to stay and who and what and where! Let's chill a bit and give things time to develop.

Adam, you speak as one after my own heart. Thank you for defending us! I hear you about the rest of it. Your a trooper, we appreciate you!

I'm certain that Cntry didn't mean a lot of what he said the way it sounded. Because the FAA doesn't have an official presense on this site, or send out a newsletter, it's easy to become frustrated and think that nothing of real value is being done, or that the whole process is clouded in mystery.

They (we) are considered a mystery organization for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that the Association is not into 'blowing it's own horn', and so letters are written, phone calls are made, and meetings are attended .... and the business of protecting Florida's airboaters (and other sportsmen, and land owners, and our precious wetland areas) goes on. Quietly.

There is no mystery as to why details aren't available yet for the Feb. 4th meeting. The Host club just hasn't yet made the details available. As soon as they do, I'm certain that that information will be posted on here.
