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fading fiberglass hull

sometime back a helpful person sent a suggestion for a product that will help bring out the color on a fading fiberglass hull. Some how I have lost that imfo. I do remember the product is sold at home depo. It has something to do with a product that is used to bring out the color of wood on log homes. Has anyone heard of this before?
lil_armond said:
You should use FLITZ it will suprise you it is for fiberglass restoration and it works wonders. It does well with elbow grease but much better with a buffer.
is this the product you were thinking of?
Years ago I used New Glass on a heavily oxidized fiberglass boat. You don't have to buff it, since I'm basically lazy I gave it a spin. Stuff worked wonders. You clean the hull with scrubbing powder first. Then wipe this stuff on with a damp chamois. The closest product I can compare it to is the old "Future" for no wax floors, it adds a clear layer to seal the gel coat. It lasted a few years before I had to do it again. What a time and elbow grease saver.

It looks like they have a newer formula out now.
