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Flames and mufflers


Well-known member
I was reading through some old posts and came across the one about blue flames coming out of the exhaust. I know many boats have this phenomenon but can it occur if you have mufflers?

I was told that a small hole in flex pipe may contribute to the combustion which creates the flame. If this is the case, wouldn't the inside of the muffler be seriously compromised in a rather short amount of time?

Just wanted to hear what kinds of ideas everyone has regarding this.

my opinion is that there is hot unburned fuel in the exhaust due to rich mixtures. When it exits the headers, air is available and you have the three things necessary for combustion, so it burns. the longer the exhaust is the cooler it will be when it exits. High temps are hard on mufflers.

My 02,

Not to mention that combustion inside the exhaust system contributes to noise can rob power

Flex pipe sucks. Airboaters need to get away from it. It's a lazy way out of going to the exhaust shop. You wouldn't put as much money as we put in our boats into a street rod and then use flex pipe on it because you didn't want to go to the muffler shop and have it done right.

A properly bent hard pipe system will make better torque and last longer, probably be chaeaper, and I personally think it looks lots better.