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Cindy Lou

Hi - I'm new to airboating and new to Florida. Our third ride ended with us flipping the boat. Could be a steering issue according to the guys helping us. My question is - how long should I wait before restarting the engine? Thanks
Pull all spark plugs out, spin engine over with starter, check oil level, reinstall spark plugs, "now you didn't state whether engine was submerged in water, assuming not" start engine otherwise, if it was in water, the list is longer.
Was this at Sawgrass Rec Park a week ago Sunday? I saw a boat upside down across from the docks as we passed by on
hwy 27.
When you get time describe what took place. How fast you were going and water depth. Did you make contact with an object or hit dry mud. What kind of hull is it and such is also relevant.

Boat with square edges vs boat with a rounded bottom will respond differently
We were blessed to have Blu teach and mentor us over the years. Any newbie needs a mentor to show them the ropes.

I would like to hear about how the incident occurred. This could be a new operator in a boat way over their skill level or just a newbie who dipped a corner in deeper water and used the term “flipped” in a capsized senario.

It’s my back yard so SwampThang, Blu and I are most likely the guys dodging the bullets.