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Florida Airboater's Code of Ethics


Florida Airboater's Code of Ethics

  • 1. Respect the right of everyone to enjoy Florida’s waterways.

    2. Learn and observe all State of Florida boating regulations, navigation rules and vessel safety equipment requirements.

    3. Recognize that the noise generated from an airboat propeller and engine exhaust system may annoy others.

    4. Equip the airboat with an approved muffling device and operate it in a manner that will reduce engine exhaust sound levels.

    5. Operate at a slow speed on or near boat ramps. Move away an adequate distance before powering up, and where possible – no power loading.

    6. Use slow speed to reduce noise near residential and public use areas.

    7. Be extra cautious to reduce sound levels during nighttime hours.

    8. Understand that the public will judge all airboaters by the actions of one.

    9. Protect natural resources and do not needlessly disturb wildlife.
I think this is great and a lot of good common sense, might not be a bad Idea to make a copy of it and keep it in the boat to show to other Airboaters.
The Florida Airboat Association wrote an "Airboater's Code of Ethics" in 2003. The driving force behind this effort was to demostrate that the airboating community is behind safe & courteous airboat operation.
The Florida Boating Advisory Council wrote a similar code at the same time. In the March 2004 printing of FFWCC "How to Boat Smart-Florida Boating Safety Course" has a published version of the Code of Ethics. WE can thank Robert Dummett of Airboat Safety for submitting the copy to FWC for publication.
I agree. Only problem is most of the people around here that violate these guidelines are not going to abide by them.
I was standing on Burnt Island on Lochloosa a while back when a car motor boat crossed the lake. It was so loud we could not talk normally on the island and he was in the middle of the lake. When I ran into him later and told him about it he just said F you and these yankees that live here.

The guys boat had a cadillac 472 on it with straight flex run right out the side of the boat.

The best cure for that kind of atitude is for the "MAN" to confiscate his boat and park it at the sheriffs office for a while, and charge him about $500.00 to get it back about a month later.
HillRunnerFL - Our greatest airboating challenge will be in dealing with our outlaw 10%. Those among our ranks who could not care less about anyone else - airboaters, lakeside residents, birds, bucks or otherwise.

There are too many of them and they will cost us all before this is over. I want my grandchildren to experience the wind in your face freedom and natural beauty that God has blessed airboaters with.

Would love to see a banner under the Southernairboat.com decal that simply says "Go Quietly Into the Marsh"

I am the Man and I just love to deal with folks with attitude like that,people like you I enjoy having around and I will go out of my way to help but folks like that Guy, I have no use for and they are the very ones that the general public judges the rest of the Airboating communinty on. He would have gotten a major attitude Adjustment from me.
Appreciate the response. I've talked to a lot of law enforcement officers over the years about airboats, and find, as expected that there are just too few of them to enforce the laws that are on the books now.
The sad thing about not having enough personnel to enforce the laws is the chance of getting stopped on the lakes around here is minimal, and everyone knows it.
I hope this forum, which is excellent by the way, will allow us to inform enough boaters of the danger of loosing the use of our lakes and marshes that we can eliminate the "10 %".

I would really like to see the state require all boats, including airboats to have all safety equipment, including mufflers on airboats and that they be inspected by the Coast Guard Auxilliary. Upon successfully passing the inspection they be issued a decalfor the boat.

As to mufflers, I built mine, running them on a Cont. O-470. Had a flex pipe come loose a few weeks ago, and had to go hunt a coat hager to wire it back in place. Since I started running mufflers I can't stand get around one without them.

I know aircraft make more power, and burn fewer valves, and loose fewer seats, with them. Automotive maybe not so much. But if I was running a car motor I would gladly give up a few horses to keep the right to run my boat.
I love the way my car motor sounds with open headers and always said that I want to keep it that way. But went out with other boats that had mufflers and said boy I sure stand out in the crowd and I have now decided to go ahead and put mufflers on my boat and try to make it as quite as possable. I just seen the game warden out running his boat and did not hear him until he was right on top of us. Thats how I want mine!!!
(as adopted by the Florida Airboat Association, 2004
and published in the State of Florida BOAT SMART Safe Boating Manual, Version - G)

1. I will respect the rights of all user of the recreation waterways of the State of Florida, on public waters and on adjacent private property.

2. I will be considerate and courteous at public vessel launch ramps and docks. In an effort not to delay othesr, I will launch and retrieve my vessel promptly.

3. I will always operate at a safe forward sped in posted “No Wake’ zones.

4. When approaching the shoreline, I will be especially aware of swimmers and other vessels near the shoreline.

5. I realize that my vessel’s equipment and ability, weather conditions and especially other vessel traffic, should determine my vessel speed. In the event of an emergency, I will volunteer assistance.

6. I am aware that my vessel creates air propeller wash and I will use idle speed near the shoreline and in close proximity to boat launch ramps.

7. I will insure that all passengers in my vessel are equipped with safety equipment, including life vests, hearing protection and required safety equipment.

8. I will not interfere with or harass others. I realize that people will judge all airboaters by my individual actions.

9. I will avoid unnecessary disturbance of wildlife and not enter posted “No Trespass� areas.

10. I will pay close attention to the engine sound levels that my vessel may create and be aware of how others on vessels and on the shoreline will react to it.

11. I will not litter and I will bring back all trash and be careful in handling my fuel.

12. When in doubt I will use Idle Speed.�
Hey ya'll,

This one aint' been brought up in awhile :wink:

Due to recent bass boat incidents, (they just wanna make you have a bad day I'm sure of that) :angryfire:

Saw FWC cuff and haul off a guy this year from Camp Mack for his intentional prop wash at a guy he was pissed at.

No Rich, there aint' nuthin bout beemers in here :lol:

Ya know. Just sittin around here thinking on this. It comes to me that the "bad guys" with such attitudes aren't the problem, they are a manifestation of the problem in "most not all" of these cases.

As long as we continue to cater to the special interests, developers, and noisy folks who make our sport less desirable were going to continue to create boaters with an attitude.

It makes sense to me that the ones who shoulod be equipped with mufflers are the chronic complainers and folks who just feel compelled to solve their problems with legislation and enforcement. There are also those who just want to create change for their own special purposes.

I have preached til I'm blue in the face about were always going after the wrong folks. Its not the boaters that are the problem, it never has been and never will be. Its the folks who are actively anti boating. Their reasons are many, varied and nearly allways self serving. These are the folks to go after with a vengence instead of catering to them.

This is not to diminish the Code of Ethics, Most of it is common sense, it is addressed toward the need for such even. Until we attack the roots, the branches will continue to grow.

Just seems to me we got the wrong idea here.

Oh well, I've said my peace 'til I get fired up again.

Airboaters are by nature non-conformists. We take pride in it. I know I do ...... you sure don't need an aircraft or BA car motor sittin on the back of a boat, swingin a prop that would choke most airplanes just to go out and ride on the water, stick a few frogs, or catch some speckled perch.

We love the 'attitude' our boats have. They're not just a boat, but a boat that takes no prisoners. Water is optional.

Therein, in my opinion, lies the problem. It is tough to convey the idea to some of our brothers that your boat is Bad Boy enough just because of the way it looks, and the things it is capable of, things that no other watercraft can begin to match. It doesn't need to also be loud and offensive to folks who are already intimidated by them, and we as a group have got to get hold of that concept.

If John Force was to pull up next to you at a traffic light in his funny car, would it really matter to you if he had mufflers on it ? I know I sure wouldn't care. I'd still see it as a bad a$$ ride and want to drive that thing ! And ol' John would be bound by the same rules as me when the light changed too ...... which is as it should be.

I believe we all have a right to run em, but that we don't have to intentionally offend others with our sound and driving in order to be cool.
They're plenty cool even when they're just sittin on the trailers.


I took my Airboat to our national night out in the City where I police at and to say it was well recived would be an understatment I had more kids and adults looking at it and I never had to fire it up to make people think it was cool so you are right sitting on a trailer is enough to get folks attention that is something very cool
sniper, I wonder if it would do any good to take down FL numbers and file a report with FWC when we encounter the Outlaw group. Just a suggestion. Kinda like neighborhood watch for airboaters.
Yes it would like any Law Enforcement agency they are oblegated to investigate reports of law breakers so if enough people repot this activity they will start looking in to it.
airboatman631":3sm0f8sn said:
sniper, I wonder if it would do any good to take down FL numbers and file a report with FWC when we encounter the Outlaw group. Just a suggestion. Kinda like neighborhood watch for airboaters.
What is a true definition of the outlaw group