I don't know about the frog poulation up there, so just go out and see.
Most of the time I just see the frogs, rarely their eyes shining.
If you've got a good 12v light to spot them with, it should be fine. 50 to 100 watts works best, but any hand held light will work. Most folks have a light that they can wear on their head wile frogging.
You don't have to go very fast with the boat, just idle along. Spot the frog, and get it next to your gunnel under your gig. Wait till you get the gig head a few inches from the frog, and punch it. Many people have a frog chute, with a sack to catch the frogs. You can hand load them into a bucket with a cover, bait bucket or cooler. It needs to be covered, or those frogs are going back home.
If the frogs don't stay still under your gig long enough to poke them, try to keep the spot off of them till just before you gig them. Some say that a really bright light will spook them into jumping away early.
Main thing is that you need to go for it! A beautiful night in the marsh with family or friends?
You just can't loose. Frogs or no frogs.
Have fun, and be careful.