There is a lot going on this month. The most pressing topic is that of hiring a lobbyist to help get the legislation started to protect our rights. Please read below and join any of the event or club meetings that you can. If you need more information give us a call.
Airboat World Magazine
Florida Airboat Association
200 N. Cortez Avenue – Winter Springs, FL 32708
Walt Shirley, President
Tel: 863-675-6428
The Future of Air boating in Florida
August 5, 2005
Dear Airboating Enthusiast and Business Owner:
We are at a critical point for our outdoor recreational activities. If we don't act soon, with a firm resolve to defend ourselves from our opponent, the term "Sportsmen who use Airboats" could be reduced to "Sportsmen who Walk or Paddle." The time to act is now!
While I summarize what needs to be done in the next few lines, I'll give a full accounting in the attached story.
In April, members of the Florida Airboat Association (FAA) voted to toss a major obstacle into the path of our opponents. Since then, we have identified an outstanding lobbyist willing to tackle our agenda in Tallahassee. The ballpark cost for this lobbying effort is $36,000.00. If we are to have our voices heard in the halls of Tallahassee, we need to act and have this money pledged by September 15, as the legislative committees begin meeting September 1.
We are appealing to our FAA organizations, the airboat manufactures and service industries, the general sportsmen who use airboats and anyone who will vote with their wallet to protect sportsmen, to make a pledge for us to have our voice heard.
Why Hire a Lobbyist?
As our world has changed, well-financed special interest groups have eroded many of our outdoor recreational activities that we have taken for granted. >From non biological, political reasons for banning bear hunting in Florida, to a constitutional amendment banning hog husbandry, to the loss of hundreds of thousands of acres of Florida woodlands & wetlands for hunting and recreating to future closures of hundreds of square miles of Gulf & Atlantic areas to fishing, we are losing ground because we fail to bring a comprehensive plan with the correct tools to fight our opponents to the table. While they bring lawyers, lobbyists, deep pockets and a sympathetic media to bear against us, we bring a squirt gun with stories of "old times not forgotten" to the table. It's just not an even fight. To even the score, we must have equal footing to fight.
While hiring a lobbyist is no guarantee of success, it does make a statement to our opponents and the state bureaucracies that we are to be taken seriously, that we have a watchdog at the gate of government and we will NOT bow down without a fight. As we were taught growing up not to throw the first punch, once thrown, we must defend ourselves or we will be viewed as weak and become a future target. An honorable defense once attacked earns respect.
We invited Bonnie Basham of Capitol Ideas to speak at the July FAA meeting. Bonnie explained that she has lobbied for marine and boating interests (see attached sheet) for over two decades, is in tune with our activities from a user perspective, is actively following wildlife issues within the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission and has a winning track record of passing legislation. She currently lobbies for the boating rights group Standing Watch and represents NASCAR in the capital. (One client of her's I spoke with described her on issues as a "pit bull, with a bite that don't let go.") I think she is the right person at the right time for the task at hand
Why Act Now?
We are facing restrictions on a county-by-county basis. There have been outright airboat bans in Monroe county, parts of Manatee county, the city of Lakeland and specific areas within our state. We have restrictions in Polk, Osceola, Citrus, Lee and others counties.
As these precedents have not destroyed us, they will eventually result in a domino effect. As you read this as, we are facing more restrictions in Citrus and Alachua counties. Small areas face bans & restrictions, more remote areas will face increasing airboat traffic and will result in further restrictions. Even though the remote areas are not heavily populated, the environmentalists constantly cite negative sound level impacts on wildlife and destruction of habitat. While little science and research supports these statements, they are an easy sell in the media, are used as issues to raise funds (to hire their own lawyers & lobbyists) and project a negative image of our activities with other user groups. Again, as our opponents are able to raise millions of dollars on the "endangered" manatee and "highly endangered Florida Panther through bogus "facts," we must respond to these attacks or the "myth" they promote will dominate in the public's mind will become defacto "fact."
Since the Florida Legislature became involved with issues affecting airboats, in 2002, our side has somewhat mobilized.
* We stopped a proposed statewide statue vessel sound level of 90 dB at 50 feet
from passing.
* We have contacted our elected officials and voiced our concerns.
* The FAA launched a modest Public Relations campaign to promote the positive
side of airboats. We have gained valuable newspaper stories, radio air time
and TV video promoting the role of airboat sportsmen in lake cleanups,
hurricane evacuations, crab trap removals, charitable events, search, rescue
and recovery, just to name a few.
* We wrote and circulated a Code of Ethics, we have a Safety Committee working
on safer Air boating activities.
* We have endorsed the use of automotive type mufflers on airboats.
We are making a strong statement to concerned parties we are doing our part to reduce complaints and steer our sportsmen to become a group of leading conservationists. These actions in turn are beginning to produce results in gaining allies to our cause, thus folks are taking note.
FAA Proposed Legislation:
There are 5 parts to our proposed legislation. I'll be brief in the explanation of each part.
1) We propose 94 dB @ 100'. The state's enabling act lists 90 dB. @ 50' that counties may adopt. While the state testing showed most vessels equipped with mufflers can operate 90 dB @ 50' while on a plane, none could achieve a plane within 90 dB. The 94 dB @ 100' will give us breathing room and numbers to work with.
2) We propose SAE J 1970 Testing Standards. We do not wish to have arbitrary testing. However, where problems exist, we want testing available via professional equipment, with testing conducted at the property or water line drawing complaints.
3) We propose "Factory Type" Mufflers. We want the 4dB of sound reduction automotive mufflers offer.
4) We propose a Definition of an Airboat in the Statues. Currently, there is no definition of an airboat on the part of the state.
5) We propose an Anti-Discrimination statement in the statues. This is a very important clause and will be a hurdle to our opponents and stop airboat specific laws in the counties. This may prove to override current discriminatory rules by the counties. Airboats will be governed as just another vessel.
How WE can accomplish this Goal:
It has been recognized that to protect our rights as sporstsmenand airboaters in the state of Florida, and for many of us our livelihood, we MUST hire a lobbyist. To this end, we need to raise $36,000.
I am encouraging you to vote with your checkbook. The Florida Airboat Association will accept pledges to support our effort.
If we can raise 80% of the $36,000 ($28,800) by September 15, we will sign the contract that will give us representation in Tallahassee. Pledges will be posted on the Florida Airboat Association's ( and Airboat World Magazine's ( websites; with the pledge amount and contributor's name appearing on the rolling total.
Time is of the essence in this matter!
Please make your pledge and mail it today to:
Airboat World Magazine
805 South Magnolia, suite B
Ocala, Fl. 34474
Att: Terri Latner
Better yet, enclose a check now and help us accomplish our goal.
Make checks payable to the Florida Airboat Association
Phil Walters, Chair: Rules Committee
Walt Shirley, President
200 N. Cortez Avenue – Winter Springs, FL 32708
Walt Shirley, President
Tel: 863-675-6428
I just want to let everyone know that Southern members are planning a ride near Melbourne on August 27th.
In conjunction with this gathering, I am asking for donations for a project I am organizing to build care packages for our deployed servicemen and women overseas. Terri here with AMW magazine helped me in locating a website called which lists soldier's addresses who have requested to receive packages. Many of these individuals are NCO's and officers who then distribute the boxes amongst their personnel.
I'm sure some of you have served you're country as I have and know that mail call is very lonely when you don't get anything. Let's work together to help some soldiers out.
I have created a list of possible items that includes but is not limited to:
Beef Jerky/Books/Magazines
CD's/DVD’s (no war flicks)
cereals/hard candy/drink mix (sugar added)
baby wipes/calling cards (120 min, its overseas)
multi tools/hand tools (hammer, screwdriver, etc)
Letters of Support (especially from kids)
This list is by no means exclusive. If you have any other items you would like to donate be my guest. As long as it is legal we will include it.
Also, as we are shipping these through the U.S. Postal Service, we will have to pay for shipping. Any monetary donations to help defer this cost will be appreciated.
My goal is to create a minimum of 10 packages, however I hope to exceed this amount.
For more info on the ride near Melbourne, visit the website.
For more info on Operation Airboat, as I'm beginning to call it, you can either visit the Southern Airboat website or email me for contact info.
Thank you and I hope to see you on the water!
Adam Wetherington
New Airboat Chat Every Monday Night 7:00pm
Lady Airboaters Chat Every Wed. Night 7:00pm
Check out the events calendar on for times and dates of the club meetings listed. If you know of an event of meeting that is not listed please post it on the site.
Airboat World Magazine will be set up at the Outdoor Expo in Lafayette Louisiana August 12-14 Along with American Airboats. Stop by our booth if you plan to attend this event to pick up your ABW cap.
August 21-22 Airboat World Magazine will be set up at the Duck Hunter’s Event at Bass Pro Shop in Orlando Florida.