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FWF promoting Global warming?


Active member
I got an email from the Florida Wildilfe Federation (FWF) telling me if I reserve two tickets to see An Innocent Truth? (Al Gore's Global Warming movie) I will be signed up to win a Cabela's Outdoor Adventure trip; any trip valued up to $4,500.

I called and left a message with Cablea's Corporate office, since it isn't even 8 am there yet, to ask if FWF or the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) purchased the trip, or if Cabela's donated the trip as a way to sponsor the movie.

I will post their reply when I get it.
Thank you.

Here is a P.S. that I got with it

P.S. According to a recent National Wildlife Federation opinion survey, hunters and anglers are already seeing signs of a warming climate. Are you one of them? Take the interactive survey at http://www.targetglobalwarming.org/survey.

We haven't had enough information about our earth's weather conditions to tell if we have a "global warming trend". All of you sportsmen, hunters and outdoorsman know that the weather has cycles. Whether those cycles are on yearly, 10-year, 100-year or 1,000-year cycles, or even longer periods we just don't have the information to tell. We do know that El Nino` is a natural phenomenon that has been around for at least 1,500-years, but even that is just a projection and not fact.

I could go on and on, but ya'll get the idea. Global warming is another way to keep humans from enjoying the environment, promoting world-wide ideals and forcing Americans to live by other country's laws.
I saw the other day where the temperature is as warm as it was 400 years ago and it is all because of global warming, ok, maybe but what caused it 400 years ago? I don't know maybe someone does.

Don't get me wrong I beleive there is a problem with all the gases we are spilling into the atmosphere for sure, it can't be good for it. I also believe the wether has been changing for eons, which is a very long time i am told even longer than olf art has been around, LOL :D . I also believe that no matter what we do change is still gonna come no matter what. the last ice age was not caused by dinosaurs farting methane gass it was supposedly a meteorite hitting earth so it probably could happen again and i really doubt the government would give us much warning on it and probably no help in the after effects of it. The one they have chosen to survive it would be safe inside that mountain silo waiting on things to warm up again so they could come out an pronounce they were in charge once again and start raising taxes again getting ready for the next one. LOL I don't know but heck if you win the trip who cares where it came from just go enjoy it and hope the big one waits till you are done and back home with friends.
400 yrs ago reasearchers agree. The Earth experienced both extremes.
The warmest it had been and then a "mini ice age" the coldest it had been. They are contributing the demise of the Norsemen (Vikings) in Greenland to this cycle. The colder winters lasted over 200 years. Changing Greenland into permafrost(until recently).

There is no full undersatnding of these cycles. Whatever caused those cycles then was way out of any human control. Researchers worry that
if a comet comes to close or a meteorite hit can cause the Earth to shift on its axis thus creating a climate shift.

But the next one could be man made and we might be in it now.
Part of the solution is definitely a reduction in pollutants. And wiping
out the forests is not a good thing either.

I'm not a tree hugger but I wanna breath you know?
The problem with the environment is that man wants to jump in to correct things that aren't always triggered by man. Yes the climate is changing but do we really understand the big picture or does society get to focused on particular issues and become blind to the possibilities?

On a side note....It has been proven that research causes cancer in laboratory mice.
ROFLMBO!!! That was too funny jdot!

Another side note, I love the banner pics ya'll have, just beautiful!
It's very egotistical and presumptious of us as humans to beleive that we could have an effect on the weather on a planetary scale. That stuff happens IN SPITE of us!!!!

But look at who the type are that spout off this nonsense.... the egotistical and the presumptious.

Hmmm..... I see a pattern developing.

And if the cycle does come around, and the planet warms up, you get a HUGE "I TOLD YOU SO" from them.


What are you gonna do? You can't shoot them!!!

Hey moodfood, if the earth really does warm up we can shoot em! Just blame the hot weather causing "temporary insanity"! :lol:
no question greenhouse gases have an effect on our climate(no one will deny this with any kind of science background) but how can we eliminate some of our pullantants with out effecting our economy and way of life now thats the question? And yes all things related to nature and the climate are cyclical but we can no longer ignore green house gases and the amount we produce in our country. And who would go see a movie from a guy who lied about inventing the internet anyway. Glad to see yall finally tought your yankees in south Florida to vote also! Calm Seas.... and Wise Use!
loco pato":3kjvb33a said:
Glad to see yall finally tought your yankees in south Florida to vote also!

Hey we all make mistakes !

If were living a life that is not sustainable we simply need to back off and find a sustainable existance, to me its a no brainer.

I'd love to see a State or National Motto thats something like "Environment First!"

I can see the politicians and wealthy criging now.

If the earth warms enough and the polar ice caps melt does that mean there will be more water in the Gardner Marsh? :D

I know it is all serious stuff to the science community and the future of earth but just how many people really have this concern at the top of their worry list? I'm not even sure it is on my list.
LOL well dotson you live in the right part of florida to enjoy it if it happened soon but it will probably be sevral hundred years away yet. The ridge where you are is the old shoreline for the gulf and the atlantic. I would say gardner marsh will be a little on the deep side.

It isn't one of my real worries because I only try to worry over things I can change and I don't think i can change the climate. Maybe and just a small maybe if everyone quit what ever it is we are doing to harm the climate it amy slow it down just a little which is probably a hundred years or so but it will happen some day just like it happened before from all the dnosaur farts that messed up the ozone last time.

So in the mean time I wish my friend who welds would get back from the keys so i can get my boat done and get my butt off of here and back on the rudder again. LOL probably not anymore than ya'll wish I would :D
JD, here's something to think about .......
When water freezes, it expands. That's why an engine block cracks when there's no antifreeze in it. Right?

So .... it seems to me that if the polar ice cap melts, the water levels will be lower than before. Not higher. :?
Yeah Olf Art that's what I thought too but someone explained that not all the ice caps are in water? Beats me!
Actually, this entire unverse is in balance in spite of what the tree huggin' whackos would like to tell you otherwise.

If the polar ice cap is melting, that means that the average temperatures are on the increase, at least in this present cycle, and that changes about every 20 years or so. With higher average temperatures the rate of evaporation increases, so the amount of rainfall may increase for the period (which both we and the Southern Hemiphere need) but the water levels will remain fairly constant in the largest masses (oceans) regardless, and it's the rainfall vs. oceans that determine our water table. Sounds like some good airboatin ahead to me.
I will be calling and asking some more questions on the subject; but officially Cabela's is not sponsoring the movie. From what I understand of the message that Mr. Banks left me, Cabela's didn't know about the movie and they have no knowledge of FWF and the NWF using the trip for an incentive to see the movie.

I told you I would keep ya'll informed and updated. I will post with the clarifying questions and answers as soon as I get a hold of Mr. Banks. With it being July 4, many are taking a 4-day weekend so it might be as late as Wed. before I can get back with anything else.

Polar Ice caps are always melting and refreezing. They don't want you to know that.

I suggest reading Michael Crichton's State of Fear. My family gave that to me for Christmas the year it came out. He has some great links and information about the enviro wackos in it. Not a bad story either!

Was told once by a teacher that I had that with one good Volcanic eruption more green house gass's are released into the air then what has been produced by EVERY SINGLE CAR EVER MADE,don't know ifin he was pulling my leg or not, but them tree huggers blame it on us -the human race. :shock: :shock: :shock:

You can't raise $$$$ without gloom & doom & impending crisis.

"The oceans are warming & we need $$$ to spread the alarm!"
"The whales are dying & we need $$$$ to protect them."
"The manatee will be extinct in 50 years if we don't protect them, send $$$$"
"The world's most endangered mammal, the panther, will be gone if we don't stop the hunters, buggies & airboat terrorists. We need $$$$ to stop this...."
"The slaughter of children will continue if we don't remove guns from homes. Send $$$."

Ect......heard this before?

The earth goes through weather cycles no doubt. I'm sure we are getting warmer too. We may be cycling back to where we were 100 years ago. (There use to be citrus groves in North Florida & South Georgia)

What burns me a new one is the Greens blow this BS out of proportion, lie about it use for self promotion. Think about all the $$$$ going into research, promotion, media, grants, ect. This is all about big $$$$ and who controls it. Same with the ESA act that has screwed the sportsmen in coastal waters (manatee) and South Florida (panther & snail kite).

If you admit an animal is no longer in peril, the research $$$ dries up, the media, the status, the staffs, ect and the animal (like the alligator) goes back to being managed via science & common sense,which means the emotional & distorting Greens are removed from a $$$$cow.

Additionally, you have folks who are intelligent enough to see though this BS and know the truth. Instead of telling the truth, they use the lies and hype to create a situation where THEY are the answer and solution to the crisis. This is self promotion at it's worst and why science, facts & the truth is so hard to find.

Shame on the folks who hype this for personal gain. There are a pile of groups who do this. It's all about the $$$$$$

My opinion after diving into this stuff for the last 20 years.