Yes, the system sucked and worst, this multi permit stuff is just not good for the long term conservation value of the gator as many got multiple permits and many, many more got zilch. I have a feeling next year there will be thousands of permits that no one will buy.
This is the 3rd year the license vendor had their system crash. As for buying the Trappers license, most of you were mis-informed by the sales agents. You had to posess a curret Trappers ($250) lic. to buy permits ($62.00). The Trapper's lic is good for a year so if you purchased a trapper's lic for last year's hunt (usually issued in August), you were good to go today but you will have to renew before you hunt this year.
On the flip side, persistance paid. Now I have a very large pile of gators to kill around the state. Anything to protect the children, poodles and women form the gators. I hope Hatchinha, Puzzle, Poinsett, Griffin, Harney, Orange, Okee, Pierce, Kissimmee and the river have a few lizzards it them.