Thunder, your point is well taken, and I'm not opening this discussion to find fault. My point is that in the argument of aircraft vs. auto engine, I don't think that we're always comparing apples to apples.
We've all seen comparisons of the weight of a 350 Chevy and an 0540 Lycoming because they're both touted to be 300 horsepower engines, and the 0540 really doesn't have that much of a weight advantage even though the Chevy has to have a radiator, coolant, hoses, etc.
But if we factor in longevity, and my engine is evaluated on the
RPM range where it can not only be expected to live a long time but also to return some reasonable gas mileage, then in truth I'm probably only runnig around with about 200 horsepower most of the time. Now the weight comparison shifts to a much smaller aircraft engine (something like an 0360?) and then the aircraft engine's "purpose of design" begins to really show.
Am I about to dump my little Chevy for an A/C engine? No way! I love the ease of maintenance and the cost to maintain it. But I resist the notion that we can directly compare the two different types based strictly on horsepower.
This is where what you do becomes important ..... you're getting big horsepower numbers and tons more reliability out of the same engine block as mine, and I admire that. I'm lookin' forward to having you build one for me one of these days I just think that we sometimes mislead when we base performance numbers between the two types strictly on horsepower.