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Gear Drive Ratio


Well-known member
This is basically a question for WaterThunder, but other opinons are more than welcome. I'm leaning towards purchasing one of your aluminum powerplants and I want to know what ratio of gear drive you recommend. I thought I saw a post a while back where you recommended a 2.37, but I can't remember what motor you were referring to. Also what kind of prop and how many blades?? I want to put it on a 14 X 8 aluminum hull and run dry with about 4 people. Thanx........
waterthunder, in older posts you made mention of the gear drive being a torque multiplier..if you dont mind could you explain the basics??
it seems easy to understand with a 2-1 if a engine is turning 5200
then the prop would be at 2600 rpm....then does the that double torque?
a small block would go from 350 to 700 ft pounds? is that why everybody with belt drives spins bigger props?

thanks for your patience
Thanks for the info WaterThunder. We have not spoken on the phone, but if you leave me contact info I will give you a call.