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Gladesmen lost

Rich Andrews

Well-known member
Sad to report that a very dedicated Gladesman Frank Denninger passed away in his sleep according to some of his close friend.

Frank fought his ass off for many yrs protecting the culture down here, I personally sat side by side with him on many issues faced here in S Florida.

Frank said it like it needed to be said, didnt sugar coat things... im sure he's not done working for us in Heaven, here's to Frank !

Thanks Marshall for getting this up and running.

Frank was a huge part of our families life for many years. he was a mentor and helped us through many projects. he will be missed and we will never forget our time with him, his stories and the lessons he taught us.

Eric Michel Travis and Cody Kimmel
In honor of Frank Denninger "Gladesman" :
:salute: :old_glory:
I Marshall Jones & Mack's Fish Camp have created a GoFundMe. Please do what you can if you can
Sheila, his widow, is in need of help with final expenses.

Frank was a mentor to me. We attended countless meetings for ArmyCorps, SFWMD, CERP, CEPP and dozens others, specifically pertaining to the Cypress and Traditional access.
He had a profound way of making "policy makers" sweat from him signing up to speak at meetings.
There were dozens of meetings where we could only speak 3 minutes, Frank would ask in advance for others to "donate " their time and most would.
Frank could command a room!

The many years he groomed myself and many of us on policy and politics, few realized just how vital he was.

You will be forever missed, my friend. God Speed

Marshall Jones

P.S. more to come, y'all stay tuned