Yeah Country,
I thought that geared A/C vs Auto discussion would be productive weeks ago. Weeks before the article was printed.
Proposed to do an article on it, for all to read.
Thought I could sit down with reasonable men, work out a plan to structure the evaluation process, and get the article done.
Every single person I asked about such an article said "do it!" "I wanna read that!"
I asked the geardrive adaptor folks if they would want to do a showdown article, against the baddest automotive ride boat I know of, and they said Hell Yeah!
They didnt think about it! Not for one second.
I asked them that question, cause I kinda knew this article might get some folks stirred up, and it really is just an outline for the concept. What it is, and what it may do.
The first part of the article is based on what they are telling me for the most part. The later parts are my observations, and opinions. I think that is clear to all when they read it.
I thought the article falls short of showing what the concept can actually do, at this stage of development. That's why I proposed the showdown article. I was mad about the JC Stanley comment when I made the proposal, and because of that, the proposal went into fight mode.
This I attempted to admit elsewhere. Perhaps this one is more clear, but I still stand behind every word I posted in the "other" topic, and await any reality checks that are out there in the mail from that exchange.
I do agree with your questioning the "economic viability" of this concept.
Very, VERY valid point, and one I considered, and decided to leave up to the readers for their personal decision making rationales. Besides, the article had to end someday!!! I know it goes on farther than the energizer bunny.
The way I see it, IMO, they way I look at it, etc, etc, ..........
you could buy a CHEAP run of the mill gpu, gear it, and run with the big direct drive aircraft dogs. That's the only way this will probably be justifiable to budgetary rationales applied while under consideration of purchase....IMO! But....
We must not forget we are talking airboats here.
Not every airboating purchase that has ever been made, was done because it was the most economically rational decision that could be made!
I guess that's why they have at least 5 customers I know of, cutting up their rigging, and reconfiguring the engine stands right now. They want more thrust, and are willing to pay $$, piss of the wife, and re-rig major to get it.
Their all spinn'in that money baby! That's airboating. There's not always a rational explanation of why airboaters do what they do. Buy what they buy. Run what they run.
Panther knows it coming, and have laid-in quite a stock pile of aircraft compatible rotator gearboxes, complete with the internal refinements. Preparing for the onslaught of A/C ratio orders.This is what I have been I have been told.
They are convinced, and it is their job to identify new airboating market trends. I would guess they know what they are doing.
Then again, it don't really matter to me. I ain't really got a dog in this fight. I be waiting a while before any money comes outta my wallet.
Mostly cause it's empty!
I guess I'm a second class citizen in the airboating community, because I run a rickety 4 cyl aircraft boat. I'm good with that if that's what I am. I am what I am, and that's all that I am. I do enjoy spinach, but rarely require any. I don't keep any in my boat, cause I can't afford the weight penalty to haul it.
I do just fine when I go out in the marsh, but don't allways stay in the places people would like to put me. Sorry.
I am convinced gearing A/C engines works. I now know Waterthunder was right along time ago about multiplying your torque.
I still looked at them as rpm enablers, even after I read his first post saying multiply your torque. That is until I saw that geardrive gpu. I knew right then that statement was spot on.
Multiplying your torque works. No doubt about it.
Did it take longer for a bunch of thick skulled A/C people to figure that out? Probably so. Part of that delay was the right props to come down the pike, and then putting 2 and 2 together.
Waterthunder put it into terms that could even penetrate my thick skull, even if it took a year to sink in. He should write articles for ABW. His would probably blow mine outta the water. He's really good at putting things into terms anyone can understand. His posts have always been that way for technical explainations.
One thing I think is true is that aircraft engines won't be going through the rpm enabler phase that Automotive gearing did. IMO, ect,etc.
Is it more effective doing it with an A/C vs Automotive engine?
Time will tell, but I suspect that it is going to boil down to the same old thing.
The individual. What they like and want out of an airboat, is gonna be different than the next guy or gal..
That will probably never change. Hope it never does, cause it would get pretty darn boring around here if it ever did.