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got my supertraps on


Well-known member
I finally put my supertraps on my io540, From what I can tell the only difference is a little less noise at idle and no diff as far as performance.
I will have to get used to the strange noise at idle, sounds like a fart machine back there.
MWood...I had wondered how they'd do.

Do you have the disc only set or are they the long enclosed kind?

I think they'd probably do best in tandem with a standard set of mufflers but I have yet to actually see/hear an actual set of Supertrapps so I really don't know for sure.

Maybe someone will have them at the get-together on the 8th.

Got the call that mine were shipped this am from Dixon's. Hope they meet expectations. Plan "B" is likely - Magna Flows in front of Super Traps.
I have the 5in dics like the photo here in the photo section with 18 dics on each side, at 900 or more RPM my warp drive noise takes over.
Do the disc only insert Supertrap's meet the "automotive muffler" requirements being imposed by the new law? I think I'll wait until the law goes into effect before I shell out any clams for something I'm not sure will be acceptable.
i just got my disc difusers in from supertrapp and my intentions are for them to be behind my magnaflow mufflers i'll tell you how my boat sounds if you are interested. planning on putting the supertrapps on today.
i am going for twelve dics i have a car motor with not to high of compression on a set up with d.d. supertrapp said 24 dics are an
almost free flowing exhaust so i am going to start with half.
I am running 12 discs(4 inch) on my high compression, dual mag GPU with no change in rpm. At idle the loudest noise is mags clicking. Prop takes over above 1000 rpm though. Supertrapp advertises that these mufflers are also certified flame arrestors.
sorry i have not said anything about my supertrapps but my easy slip on
mounting of the supertrapp mufflers did not go so fast.i need to go to town
and get some adapters first.
got the supertrapp mufflers on behind my magnaflows and it is verry quiet. until prop takes over.12 discs way to much backpressure for my boat. its running too rich and it almost blew one of my flex pipe exhaust loose at one of the joints slid apart 1 inch.when i get more discs i'll tell more. and it killed some rpm.