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GSO 480 set up

I have a Gso 480 with the AED specific carb,running around 13psi to it with 3/8s lines and a warp drive 8 blade prop. Here my question: is there anything else I need to run on this boat. We've actually blown up two engines so far, due to over reving (I think). Our tac broke and we punched it a few times and now have blown apart two crank cases. Its not like we are burning up cylinders at this point, its searing rod connecting bolts. with maybe 6 second burst at a time. not dogging it by any means but running hard for a bit.
The plan is to put more pitch in the warp drive, at this point I don't know the pitch in it currently. Just asking around for any other suggestions.

What diameter prop are you running and at what pitch. Really need to get an accurate tach on it. The higher the RPM of course the more boost there is no blow off valve like there would be on a turbo set up. If you can put a boost gauge on it to see how much boost you are getting that would also tell a lot. Just my 2 cents.
its 68'' prop and I have to figure out the pitch but I guess what I'm wondering is that even if I get the RPMs under the recommended 3400, will this thing still make it if I'm running it up to 3200 RPM and not surpassing the recommended rates? or do I still have the chance of over boosting and blowing it up again?
SuprchgedPalmBeach said:
Oh my, that prop is seriously undersized for that motor. Also it needs a high volume of fuel, I use (2) fuel pumps running to each side of the carb separately using 1/2" fuel lines.

What RPM do you max out at? 3400? or less
And I'm making sure to run two fuel pumps with the next motor
I am looking at building my first GSO 480 boat I talked to Darian at Sensenich about what prop to run and he said ether a three blade JR 82 or a JW 80. Can i get some feed back on ether one of these props?
Just my opinion but the last thing a GSO 480 needs is nitrous..but obviously I use my boat for a different purpose than what you intend to use it for. These motors are monsters if and only if they are set up correctly, Ex: correct fuel flow, cooling shroud, enough oil capacity, electronic Ignition, WOT RPM's.
Im just going to use the boat as a fast ride boat. Right now Im going to run mags and next year put a pace maker on the motor. What type of oil do you run through your motor?
Phillips 66 Victory 50, 4 gallon custom sump. FYI if you use a custom sump it will have to be made with different layers & baffles to cut down on oil foaming. Foaming oil will destroy the motor.
I have a 42 gallon tank, lasts about 3-4 hrs. hunting dry, I take 2, 15 gallon cans and hide them in the woods for extending hunting time. They like a lot of fuel and if you starve it or run it lean you will burn it up.
SuprchgedPalmBeach said:
I have a 42 gallon tank, lasts about 3-4 hrs. hunting dry, I take 2, 15 gallon cans and hide them in the woods for extending hunting time. They like a lot of fuel and if you starve it or run it lean you will burn it up.

Have you ever run lean and busted a hole in your crank case?? or have you just lost cylinders. My boat is on a 13ft cut down outlaw poacher
The only issue I've had with my 480 was the gearbox bushing wearing out. The trick is not to put a already worn out motor on your boat. Get a good motor and set it up right and you wont have issues like your speaking about.