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Well-known member
fixing to change my 0540 headers and i'm scared to death to break off the bolts. from what i hear i need to use an acetylene torch to heat the bolts up. any advice and warnings? thanks in advance.
Don't heat the bolts, that makes them expand. spray nutblaster on all of them and let them soak. Then try to loosen them, if any round of try a metric socket......
What i do is let the engine idle for 5 or 10 minutes to heat up on its on. Let the heat of the engine expand the metal for you. It will be hot when removing the studs and bolts. That seems to work pretty good.But do not use a torch
I put stainless steel nuts & studs in . I have used sainless steel bolts . If the threads are bad put in heili coils & stainless stud or bolt. This has worked for me very well over the years running in salt water.