I have a request and don't quite know what to ask for. We are doing a project here in South Georgia. It's at one of these Paper Mills and we are working on this project to help them keep in compliance with the government. One thing that is required is to survey this settling pond/lake. I took a number of people out today on mine to look this area over but I don't have time to drive them. What they are looking for is a boat large enough to hall probably two men and all their equipment. This is a little strange because it is in this large lake on their property, maybe 1 mile across and 3 miles wide. It has a lot of cattails/buggy whips to run through. I have made some trails today. They have ask me to get some pricing for this job. You will be working for me/my company. how much is standard for this type of work? Work will not be hard at all. Can y'all help with what I should expect. Length of job is approximately two weeks. I will need a good insurance certificate. If interested please PM me. I need help getting a guestamated cost for this to see if it within their budget to go this route.