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Hillrunner fire


Well-known member
Finally got my shop back up after the fire. Put up a Gulf Coast Steel building 24 by 30 on the old foundation. I'll post some pix of the boat and shop next week.
New boat is just about complete, will probably run Orange this weekend.

Anyone know what Avgas is going for these days?
Ken, I don't know what it's going for, but I know it is always a lot cheaper at Williston than in Gville. Probly closer for you to go to Williston anyhow I would imagine.

Give them a call 528-4900
Did a search and found the Williston AV gas prices. $3.75 right now. likely going up.
Funny, high test at 93 octane is $3.25, octane booster, (snake oil) is $.25 to $ .50 per gallon bringing the total to the same as AV or higher.
I put some 93 octane in the boat just to get it started and check it out. It is not going to like 93 not even a little bit. May end up takong the pop-ups out and going back to stock GPU pistons. May not, don't know how mucht it is going to burn.
I know everyone that has one of Jimmy's hull says they plane out at such a low throttle that fuel consumption is great.
Appreciate the feedback.
See you at the lake soon. :p
I sometimes wonder if you're always getting 93 octane when you're paying for it, too ..... :? .
I think runnin a lot of compression these days in any engine can be risky. All it would take is a big dose of 87 at some unethical gas station to make your life miserable. A lot of the engine problems we read about on here could be just that. Fuel related.
hillrunnerfl":2qt7aifd said:
I know everyone that has one of Jimmy's hull says they plane out at such a low throttle that fuel consumption is great.
Appreciate the feedback.

Yep, I know 2 guys with them, and they say the same thing. Next hull will 99% sure be one of his.

Lucky dog you....
I got one it planes great its 8 ft wide 13.6 long small bock 400 72x32 paddle prop runs dry too pictures are in the photo album
Dblj, what makes me crazy about that is that Exxon-Mobil just posted second quarter earnings up by 40% :shock: .

The oil companies are breakin it off in us and there's not a thing we can do about it ...... :( .
We can drive less.

Pick up stuff on the way home from work instead of waiting til the weekend.

Bring your lunch to work instead of driving to a burger joint down the road.

If we would all drive 10% less, they would notice, big time.
You're right, Red ..... we can drive less.

A list of the places you need to stop at while you're out will give you a mental picture of the shortest route to get everything, and avoiding rush hours as much as possible helps too. Sitting in stop and go traffic costs big bucks at the pump.
Olf Art you are right. They are breaking it off. Let me tell you this little story.
My brother had to go down to Miami for a job a couple of months ago.
It was a two day deal and he had to stay there overnight. Anyway he was at the hotel and had a conversation with a woman that was staying in the
room next to his. She was down from out of state waiting for her significate other to arrive on the tanker he was on. She had arrived a day before the tanker was to come into port. She had been at the hotel over three weeks. The tanker had arrived from the Persian Gulf on time and full. But where was the tanker? In an orbit out in the Atlantic off the Florida coast.
Why? They had been instucted to go and wait until further notice. Were they alone? Nope. They were waiting until fuel prices were right where
they wanted them. 30 tankers circling in the Atlantic=fuel shortage?
When my brother told me this I was upset. People don't believe me when I tell them about this. I believe my brother. And since the first Bush deregulated the oil industry this is legal now I guess. Price gouging, yep.
Shortage no. I researched it and the oil platforms our military is protecting in the persian gulf are filling tankers better than ever, over there they say there is no shortage, don't know what we are talking about...
And now fuel surcharges are coming on my eletric bill.
It's about time for my government to do something about this.

Olf Art I know how you feel. We all do.
In the 70's my parents and America got together and threw the finger to OPEC. A nation united. But since now the government does not regulate oil some good ole boys from major Oil Companies decide how much we are gonna pay. Today we are divided. Another idea kicked around was to boycot Mobil/Exxon. By fuel from anywhere else, anyone else. Thus creating a price war. But can this nation unite? Only if they want to go down and start a noise ordinance to eliminate the freedoms of some the only people left who understand the true meaning of what freedoms we are losing everyday.

For what it's worth...
Thanks, dblj ..... I certainly believe you and your brother.

This whole oil and gasoline scam is driven by greed. Anytime that a CEO for ANY company can receive a salary and benefit package that numbers in the hundreds on millions for one year of his time, then any sense of reason has been lost. When a person can no longer afford to eat breakfast or lunch so that they can afford to drive to work, then some Fatcat is gonna eventually burn in Hell for it. I can promise you that.

The illusion that the oil companies always like to hide behind is that there is some sort of a competitive market in place .... that when you drive down the street you have a choice of buying from Mobil, or Chevron, Hess, Exxon, Shell, or a dozen more. The sad truth is that we MUST buy gas from one of them, and they know it. It's all just a very thinly disguised monopoly and the players could care less about little folk like us. They will charge whatever they think we can stand.

Why doesn't the Gov't. do something? Because they're powerless. The most powerful people on earth aren't presidents, or prime ministers, congressmen or senators. The truly powerful are the people who control oil ..... Arab sheiks, the members of OPEC, and the CEO's of our largest oil companies.

We can make futile attempts to beg for some relief from them, but in my mind the only real option we have is to just try to arrange our own lives in such a way that their greed will have as little impact on us individually as is possible.
