Thanks, dblj ..... I certainly believe you and your brother.
This whole oil and gasoline scam is driven by greed. Anytime that a CEO for ANY company can receive a salary and benefit package that numbers in the hundreds on millions for one year of his time, then any sense of reason has been lost. When a person can no longer afford to eat breakfast or lunch so that they can afford to drive to work, then some Fatcat is gonna eventually burn in Hell for it. I can promise you that.
The illusion that the oil companies always like to hide behind is that there is some sort of a competitive market in place .... that when you drive down the street you have a choice of buying from Mobil, or Chevron, Hess, Exxon, Shell, or a dozen more. The sad truth is that we MUST buy gas from one of them, and they know it. It's all just a very thinly disguised monopoly and the players could care less about little folk like us. They will charge whatever they think we can stand.
Why doesn't the Gov't. do something? Because they're powerless. The most powerful people on earth aren't presidents, or prime ministers, congressmen or senators. The truly powerful are the people who control oil ..... Arab sheiks, the members of OPEC, and the CEO's of our largest oil companies.
We can make futile attempts to beg for some relief from them, but in my mind the only real option we have is to just try to arrange our own lives in such a way that their greed will have as little impact on us individually as is possible.